(no subject)

Nov 11, 2006 02:12

One day, I think I'm going to make a list of all the things that are wrong with my health xP I'm adding glasses to the list now. A few weeks ago, I started to notice that my vision was getting really blurry. Sometimes it would be super blurry and I couldn't even see something two feet in front of me. Then other times it would be just blurry enough for me to notice, and to bother me. Then I kept getting really bad headaches every night. Of course, I'm prone to headaches anyway, but these were coming in a pattern :p So I had my eyes checked today (which I haven't done in YEARS) and the doctor said that I needed light reading glasses. They're weaker than the over-the-counter reading glasses, but strong enough to correct my vision. I hope this works, I'll be nice to actually see again and to not have headaches x)


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