
Oct 14, 2006 13:34

Dear Diary,

Today I went into the library of Beast's castle to find a new good read. I found a shelf I've never seen before. I wonder why...Ooh! I pulled out a book and the shelf slid into the wall. There was a great darkness beyond the shelf. Being so inquisitive that I am, I went inside. After all, Beast Prince never said anything in the library ( Read more... )

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superiorityx October 16 2006, 00:50:41 UTC
Hmm... Belle, I presume. You do seem well-versed enough, a welcome respite from the hoards of children making ungodly rackets when I am attempting to read.

And I must offer my gratitude for you taking the effort to sort the library. I simply did not have the time.


beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 01:16:52 UTC
Why hello, Sir. It is quite an honor to meet the owner of such a fine libary. Thank you for the compliments--I do try to keep a level head. And...I'm so sorry to presume, but you look awfully familiar. Do you have any brothers or male cousins? It's the silver hair and the golden eyes really.


superiorityx October 16 2006, 01:22:01 UTC
Owner? Hardly, I was left in this castle on the same unhappy turn of fate as you were.

...perhaps. Think no more of it.


beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 01:41:07 UTC
I shall try to do my best to make myself comfortable then. And also not to disturb you, Sir. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. Yes, I am Belle. And you are?

I wonder if there is a map of the castle in the library...


shadowcrown October 16 2006, 01:48:06 UTC
...I suppose you're referring to me.

That aside, we look nothing related.



beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 01:59:17 UTC
Yes, I suppose I am. Ansem, isn't it? I...I remember you well. But not fondly. I do not find the idea of being enticed into the Kingdom of Hearts once again a friendly bargain...

((Stan of "South Park": You bastard!))


shadowcrown October 16 2006, 02:23:05 UTC
I perfer 'XH', princess. Fret not--I'll entice no one here. My bonds with the darkness are weakened. Call this an apology, somewhat...though I suppose forgiveness is out of reach.


beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 02:38:28 UTC
XH then, Sir. Yes, apology accepted...but not easily, and not at the moment. I do have a heart, and I do have the capability for kindness. Time heals all wounds. Or so I've heard. Perhaps I can believe that you had no idea what you were getting into, and did not realize you were endangered first the lives of seven women, second the fate of the worlds. ...Light cannot exist without darkness.


shadowcrown October 16 2006, 03:18:10 UTC
Thank you, then; I understand, though I find that phrase astoundingly hard to believe.

Ah, but I completely understood what I was doing--and I can honestly tell you that I do not regret my actions. All of it, in the name of knowledge. I may have gone about my search in an erroneous and perilous way, but nonetheless a way--and this time, I'll simply have to be more careful about who I involve. And yes...I know.

...You wouldn't happened to have found any books on the heart, body and soul, would you?


beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 03:37:03 UTC
I greatly understand the pursuit of knowledge. It is one of the reasons why I am so fond of reading. But gaining knowledge doesn't have to come at the expense of harming others. I find that knowledge is best gleaned from reading and from living life to the fullest. I wanted more, too, before I found Beast...

Then perhaps you know of the corollary? "The smallest of shadows would not exist if it weren't for the glimmer of light."

I'm so sorry. But I have not found a book on such a subject yet. It's only my first afternoon here.


shadowcrown October 16 2006, 05:01:47 UTC
In hindsight, the darkness blinded me to such aspects. Living this not-life is forever a quest of knowledge for me--I have no one in which to confide or pause and make time for, unlike you...nor shall I ever. Not to be cryptic. Also, pardon my rudeness, but...aren't you worried about your friend? You seem very calm, to have ended up in this world without warning.

I...didn't, actually. It is a admirable and interesting one. With attempts to chafe my thoughts from the complexities of dark and light, though, perhaps I have only forgotten.

Aha, of course. You must forgive me for such impatience--I have been unsuccessful in my searches.


beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 06:46:24 UTC
Oh, I'm sorry you do not have anyone in your life. Surely there is someone for you! Everyone has a true love or a true friend in life. Perhaps you just haven't met the right person yet. Oh, of course I'm worried about Beast, but he has the servants to take care of him. And if I could find my way here; surely he could as well!

((lol Belle is totally making XH find a date!))


shadowcrown October 16 2006, 11:35:01 UTC
It is very alright, but your concern is appreciated. I shy away from the very thought of another, lover or no, interrupting my experiments...unless they're the study themselves.

Optimistic, as I expected. Though I can't figure why you'd want him to be here, instead of vice versa.

[He must seriously need someone if Belle's telling him to get a date. He's thinking of messing with Vexen! XD]


beautyoftheball October 16 2006, 17:58:24 UTC
Hmm. Yes, sometimes, Beast thinks I get in the way as well. He's such a solitary creature; he needs to learn how to interact with others better...I found my way here quite easily. I'm sure he could do the same. I'm happy no matter where I am, as long as I have a good book to read and as long as Beast is with me. And I do believe that after I'm done in the library, I could leave the same way I came. But wait...is there something amiss about this castle?


shadowcrown October 17 2006, 00:46:44 UTC
The natural ease of solidarity takes time.

Half of these people are dead or sworn enemies, you realize. It takes but a moment to wonder why one such as Maleficent would live in the same castle as any of us. Wouldn't she have left by now...? The path you took here has more than likely disappeared. Perhaps you should check on that.


beautyoftheball October 17 2006, 05:14:02 UTC
Dead? Enemies? I hope that means that there are not any ...corpses around the castle. I would like to know whether that is true or not.

The path has disappeared...I can only assume you're making a joke at my expense. Surely there is a way out of here. I must check on that at once...

((There; put my reply back in. Sorry about the delete or whatever.))


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