Apr 11, 2020 06:23

This journal is Friend's Only. Just ask if you would like to be added. I add nearly everyone. I've got a policy -- it's probably a good idea to read through that, just so you know what friending means for me.

If you comment and ask to be friended, the first thing I do is take a look at your userinfo to see if we have interests in common. I'll also look at your journal to see about how you write, what you write about, that kind of thing. I may even look at your userpics to see what you're especially keen on. Your userpics say a lot about you, as far as fandoms and interests go! If it seems like we have common ground - a fandom or particular interests that we share - I'll friend you. I'm not terribly picky, I just want to have somewhere to start.

I won't friend someone who spams their journal with quiz results and colorbars -- one every now and then is fine, but serial quiz-takers just... no. I also won't friend you if your grasp on the English language seems like that of a four-year-old. If I friend you, it means I want to read you, and I won't want to read you if your tYpInG LuKs lyKe tHiZ!!!!11!! Sorry, but no can do.

If I Friend You
Occasionally, I'll go hunting for new LJ friends. Typically I'll see someone who has a similar enthusiasm for a fandom I'm in, or something. You don't have to friend me back, I don't expect you to - just know I friended you because I found you interesting. Typically, if I friend someone, I'll leave them a comment to let them know.

I only comment if I have something to say to you. If you're on my flist, I read you. I don't have a reading filter that I use, I just read my default LJ-given friends list. ('Cause we all know creating a filter is the devil!) Everyone on the list gets read, so don't worry that I'm not reading you if I don't comment.

I never comment to "comment or be unfriended" posts, ever, with no exceptions. I don't care if you're the Queen of England, if you demand comments or else, then I guess you'll just have to defriend me, because I don't want to be around solely to make your comment count higher.

I cut anyone who cuts me. I figure, if you don't find me interesting enough to keep friended, then you don't need to have access to my journal. It's a cut for a cut, I guess.

If you delete your LiveJournal, I defriend you. If you've done it for melodramatic reasons and you undelete it a few days later, I may not friend you back. I think deleting your journal for attention or dramatic punctuation is pretty stupid, so I probably won't friend you back, but you can always try. I also delete journals that go on hiatus; if you come back from a hiatus and want me to friend you back, just say so and I will. I understand that sometimes, people need a break, but so many people go on hiatus and either end up not coming back or deleting their journals anyway that I simply cut them.

I don't delete people off my friends list just because we disagree on something. People have opinions and sometimes they differ. I have quite a few Republicans on my flist, even though I'm a Liberal -- we get on just fine.

If I cut you in a friends-cut, please don't ask to be added back. I do friends-cuts every now and then to clean up my flist if I find that I am skimming people or that I've drifted from people as far as interests go.

Nah, I don't bite - go ahead and comment to be added. :)