LJ Idol - Week 5 - Kuchisabishii

Apr 07, 2022 22:40

An entry for Week 5 of therealljidol. I really just wanted to write something silly and fun this week. :)

Huey Rides Again

Huey is a hamster,
a rotund little dude.
His bed is shreds of paper
that he packs with random food
found ‘round his habitat,
a cozy little place--
some folks say it’s messy, that,
but at least it’s his own space.

Huey has a treadmill
he keeps for exercise,
but it makes a noisy squeal
beneath his thunder thighs.
Instead he prefers sleeping
and snuggles head to feet,
until his favorite evening
past-time, stuffing his round cheeks.

Huey climbs floor to floor
gathering as he goes,
storing favorites --more and more!
Pumpkin seeds and Cheerios,
sweet fruits, both fresh and dried,
pellets, grapes, and muesli
(add some peanuts on the side,
he’ll gobble those profusely).

Into his mouth they fly
to a pocket, hidden,
jowls ballooning ever wide,
but stopping seems forbidden.
Our hero tarries late
searching for any crumb.
Eagerly he fills his plate
though it seems kinda dumb.

He’s not really hungry
nor does he feel peckish.
He knows it makes him chunky
but his tongue's feeling ticklish.
At last with pouches full
he stops for a breather,
climbs up on his favorite stool
a proud over-achiever.

His fluffy butt content,
prizes packed in his face,
Huey scratches up a tent
with an easy idle, pace.
Rising on hindquarters,
he gently strokes his paws
along the bumpy borders
of his heavy hoarding jaws.

His gathered feast now spread
the full, damp collection
he nudges into a bed
of rodential perfection.
Huey can rest well now,
his chore list out of steam,
snacks in reach for midnight chow
he can shortly sweetly dream.

(These moods that Huey can’t resist,
and define his chubby nature --
are kuchisabishii, if you insist
on use of fancy nomenclature.)


hammies!, ljidol, silly poems, napoewrimo

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