Oct 14, 2005 13:20
Dogster stats for Abigail Needs A Home.
Okay... Dogster!?! I appreciate that they're trying to find homes for homeless dogs, but still. '-ster' needs a rest.
Abigail Needs to Chew.
You know it!
"Sometimes, I cry just thinking how badly Abigail needs that heart," the nurse
"I wish...you had a heart!"
Abigail needs a feeding tube, but is learning to eat some baby food.
I knew my diet was sad, but this...
Abigail needs her dress to return to home.
Have pity on my coworkers!
Abigail needs advise for her sister, to prepare her for her wedding night.
"You're not even...literate!"
Abigail needs more input, not less.
Is my code that bad?
Abigail needs some undivided attention right now.
Don't I always...
Abigail needs him, adores him. And besides, they have two things in common.
Their secrets. And death.
I told you not to tell!
Abigail needs balance in her upbringing.
Because she's not grown up yet.