
Aug 16, 2007 22:13

The prayers have worked.

Today I learned that I didn't really have a job for another year. According to the HR person, I had no position with the City as of July 1. I was only still there because my boss didn't have the guts to fire me. First he went on vacation and then he was putting it off because he didn't want to face me. (Afterall, I got a piece of land and a construction loan for a house because he led me to believe I had a permanent job and would be getting my own office.)

I've been floating along employed by a prayer.

Last week a part-time person in the Engineering Department quit. There is a hiring freeze in effect at the City and the only position open was a part-time job in the cable internet department. Two part-time jobs equals one full-time position.

As soon as the girl quit I started having hope that my boss would use the funds for those jobs to make me a permanent employee.

This morning he told me my position was changing. I'm now working in the Engineering Department filing and sorting and such (the job left by the part-timer). When they finish renovating City Hall this Fall, I'll split my time between the Engineering and the Cable Internet departments. I've never had a computer tech job before. It's an entry level help desk job. I'm a bit nervous about it, but at least they'll train me some.

I verified with my boss that my pay rate will stay the same, that I am full-time, and that my job is permanent.

So, I now (finally) have a permanent job.

I should be happier than I am about it. But I'm just so... floored by the whole thing, I guess.
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