Jul 11, 2005 20:35
It's fuckin ironic that I have been working full fuckin' time and I am still a "lazy ass". According to my parents, of course. I have had one day off since June 27th. ONE. I am working two jobs, I never....ever see my parents, when I have anytime to my self I am on the phone or with my boyfriend or I am sleeping...does that make me lazy? In my opinion, I am just worn out. I am on overdrive, working 8 hours shifts in a steaming hott kitchen on -2 hours of sleep. When I am not working at evergreen I am working at the depot, and I know its not hard work, but it is still time that I need to my self. I could be sleeping then, I could be with my boyfriend... Wanna know what realy triggered this rant? After working about 2 weeks straight...yesterday was supposed to be my last day of work until wensday. After work yesterday I went to Jeremy's house. When I was there My mom called and TOLD me that I VOLENTEERED for work today 10-6. Volenteered!!!! What the fuck is that. SHE volenteered me to do it. She doesn't even have a fuckin job and she thinks she can control mine! I don't give a fuck if she is my mother. I need time off. I need more that ONE day off before I start working again....JESUS! She wanted me to work full time, and that is exactly what I am doing for her....but oh, thats not good enough, I have to work MORE!!!!!! Since when can the unemployed tell the employed how or when they have to work???? I'm lazy but, she will go outside, and clean the pool, and then stay in for a week not doing anything because she cleaned the pool that ONE time. I have had a constant headache for a week now, I need sleep, I need real food, I need out. I need to spend time with My boyfriend. I need him. With two jobs going, and his job...we see eachother when ever it is possible... for a couple hours here and there. Tomorrow I swear to god I am spending my entire day with him. I don't care if the world explodes, if my own flesh and blood dies. I am spending the entiredy of tomorrow with the man I love. END of story... no ifs, ands or buts about it. I need to spend an entire day with him, like we used to. Since school ended I havn't gotten to see him as much(despite what some people think) I wish I had time for me. I mean I will give up relaxation time by myself to see my baby, but then again he helps me relax...especially yesterday (thank you baby boy) I flipped out when my mom called......*the rest will not be stated here for my saftey* I am done writing in this damned thing...