Aug 26, 2003 22:06
What is your full name? katie grimm
What other nicknames do people call you? queen of the bitches
Where do you live? Orange Park
What is your town or state known for? rednecks and citrus
How tall are you? 5'5
What is your birth date? may 2nd
Do you have a cell phone? yes
What kind, and what is the number? motorola, ask
What size shoe do you wear? 8
Would you ever wear 5-inch heels? no
How many piercings do you have? now 6
Do you want anymore? nah
What are your screen names? synaps2synapse
Explain the meaning behind them: a synapse is how one thought in your brain leads to another
What color hair were you born with? black
What color is your hair now? brown
What color eyes do you have? hazel i guess
What school do you go to? sjrcc
What is your mascot and school colors? haha couldnt tell ya if i wanted to
What is your dream car? whatever gets me from one place to another
Are you a righty or a lefty? righty
What languages do you speak? english
How many siblings do you have? 1
What are their names and ages? jordon- 20
Do you have any nieces or nephews? nope
Do your siblings look like you? total opposite
What are your parents' names? karen and andy
How far apart in age are your parents? a few months
Do you look more like your mom or dad? moms smile, dads eyes
How many best friends do you have? two
Why are they your best friends? i trust them
What makes a good friend? trust, and def if theyre funny
what is your favorite past time with friends? we camp a lot, does that count
What do you and your friends do for fun? hang out
What is the last fun thing you did with your friends? ate chicken & dumplings
Which friend is the craziest? theyre mostly equal i suppose
Do you have a crush on any of your friends? i dont know
Would you ever date one of your best friends? i have before
Have you ever been backstabbed by a friend? if i have they wouldnt be my friends anymore
What did it feel like? breaking someones back
Did you talk it out with that person? ..
-Love And Dating
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
How old is he/she?
How long have you been together?
Do you believe in love at first sight? no, i believe that love at first sight is infatuation
Have you ever been in love? i thought so, but love is supposed to last forever
What did it feel like? like i didnt care about anything in the world except for that person
What is your definition of love? ill write you an essay
If you're single, do you have a crush? im not sure.
What's his/her name?
What do you love about them? who said i love anything about them
Do they know you like them? no, im not even sure if i do
Have you ever hung out with them alone? nope
Are they involved with someone? dont think so
Does he/she know you exist? yes
Who was your first crush ever? wyatt
How did you meet? never actually met until a year ago, it was one of those crushes youd never tell anyone about
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be? johnny depp as captain jack sparrow
Where is the ideal place to propose to someone? wherever
What do you look for in a guy/girl? personality
What do you notice first about them? sense of humor
Would you ever date anyone 5 years older than you? sure
Would you ever date anyone 5 years younger than you? that would be illegal
10 years older? thats pushin it
Does age really matter? im not partial to wrinkles
Boardwalk or Beach? boardwalk
Tacos or Pizza? pizza
Brunette or Blonde? i dont care
Rapper or Singer? singer
Nike or Adidas? i dont care
K-Mart or WalMart? target
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? christina
N Sync or Backstreet Boys? neither
Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven? 7th heaven
MTV or VH1? neither
Coke or Pepsi? diet coke
Soda or Pop? pop till i moved to the stupid south
Pager or Cell Phone? cell phone
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate? hot chocolate
Mickey D's or BK? neither- kfc
Ocean or Pool? ocean
One-night stand or Forever? forever
Rap or Rock? rock
Pop or Punk? PUKE no thats not a typo
Love or Loss? love
Summer or Winter? winter
Spring or Fall? fall
New York City or Philly? PHILLY IS MY LOVE
-Have You Ever
Been on a plane? yes
Been out of state? yes
Been out of the country? canada
Been skinnydipping? yes
Been on a train? nope
Been on a subway? yes
Gone to a concert? yes
Gone to DisneyWorld? yes
Gone camping? yes
Broken a bone? only pinky fingers and pinky toes
Had stitches? yes
Met someone famous? yes
Gotten arrested? you decide
Been stalked? dont think so
Started your own band? yes years ago
Cried yourself to sleep? yes
Sniffed anything to get high?
Gotten drunk? yes
Been so happy you cried? yes
Fallen for a friend? yes
Flashed someone? i got free rafts for itchituknee
Had a job? several
Fallen in love?
Fallen out of love? is that possible
Crowdsurfed? nope
Moshed? hahaha
-Do You Believe In....
Magic? nope
Love at first sight? nope
Fate? yes
Destiny? yes
God? yes
Satan? yes
True love? more than anything
Aliens? no but they are funny looking
Monsters? i freakin love zombies
Yourself? not enough
Shampoo/Conditioner? doesnt matter
Ice Cream? don really eat it
Sport? soccer
Store? snappy turtle
Gum? ice breakers
Candy? swedish fish, gummy worms
Movie? horror, independant films
Fast food place? chik fila
Song? same its been for forever..... short stories with tragic endings
Of all time?
color? green
Number? 15
Animal? bird- juan, cats- dina and angel(angel's a jerk)
Holiday? halloween, valentines day, christmas
Sound? rain, or wind when its cold outside
TV Show? old school sifl & olly, queer eye for the straight guy
Radio station? 102.9, 104.5
Flower? theyre all beautiful
Scent? lucky you, heavenly
Shape? heart
Clothing brand? dont care
Actor? giovani ribisi
Actress? brittany murphy, mina suvari
Magazine? um.... national enquirer
CD? my mix
Cartoon character?
Day of the week? satuday after work- sunday evening
Person to see? juan my bird... so what if its not a person
School subject? im only taking two classes, so i would have to say that my favorite subject is.... break.
Who are you going to marry? a person that i will love
How many kids do you want? ill decide later
Sons' names?
Daughters' names?
Where do you want to live? philly, but il probably wind up still being here when im 60
Any pets? american bulldog
What do you want to do career-wise? teacher for emotionally handicapped elementary students
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? it doesnt matter as long as im happier than i am now
-What do you think of when you hear..
Nicole? dont know her
Tasha? bff from kindergarden
Laura? nope sorry
Sarah? coworker and old roommate
Stacy? nope
Jessica? nope
Megan? no clue
Diamonds? bling
Candy Cane? a little too sticky
Roxy? my old ducks name
Shady? trees
Mud? wet dirt
Chris? i know too many
-Random Junk
Who can dance best of your friends? MARKUS its amazing you should see
What is your fantasy? to be in neverending story
What's your biggest regret in life?
If you could meet one dead person, who would it be? my dads mom
What one living person do you want to meet?
What do you remember most from 1998? skateboarding, soccer
1999? surfing, soccer
2000? this year and the next couple are sorta blurry
2001? blurry
2002 ? still foggy but got my 1st apartment, got robbed, got evicted, found what i thought was the best thing ever
What do you miss most? the feeling of having no worries
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? hahaha...jon came over and i was so tired and i thought maybe if i act like im still sleeping he'll just go away. it didnt work
Do you sleep with any stuffed animal? a bear and a cat with a marble in its head
Would you ever dye your hair? i have been since i was 11
What's on the walls of your room? an m.c. escher poster, and pictures ive painted
What's the worst feeling in the world? when you feel completely alone but youre surrounded by people
Best feeling? someone showing they care about you
What religion are you?
When was the last time you cried? earlier today
When was the last time you ALMOST cried, but held back? a couple hours ago
When was the last time you really laughed? last time i talked to mary
What's on your mousepad? black and white checkers
How many homes have you lived in? 12
Would you rather give or receive gifts? i like both
Do you sleep with one pillow or two? doesnt matter
Rite town to chill in? what the hell does rite town mean or scary? amazing
What is your biggest fear? zombies eating me (even though i think theyre amazing) or when people come up on cars too fast that have their brake lights on
Are you a night or morning person? night
What comes first in your life? i dont know..
...1-10, 10 being highest...
How romantic are you? 6
How sensitive are you? 10
How funny are you? 9
How mature are you? 6
How smart are you? 6
How friendly are you? 8
-The Past 24 Hours Have You...
Had a serious talk? yes
Hugged someone? yes
Hung out with a friend? yes
Cried? yes
Laughed? yes
Made someone laugh? yes
Bought something? no
Cut your hair? no
Dyed your hair? no
Felt stupid? yes
Talked to someone you love? i love my friends
Missed someone? yes
Danced or sang? yes i had a MAJOR jam session in the car today
Do You
Like to walk in the rain? absolutely
Dress up on Halloween? yes
Have a job? yes
Like to travel? yes
Like to lay on your back, side or tummy? side kind of or tummy
Ever had that falling dream? yes
What are you wearing? black pants and striped shirt
What are you listening to? deathcab for cutie
What does your hair look like? fluffy
What do you plan to do after this survey? go to bed