Oct 14, 2002 15:58
my flight leaves the philly airport at 2:37 pm on saturday, october 19.
i've been postponing writing in here, i guess because everytime i think of something i want to write, i forget it by the time i get to a computer.
im going to miss being here, i havent been here for that long, but then again three weeks isnt that short of an amount of time. im going to miss the cold, even though i act like im being tortured whenever we go outside. last night we were outside at like 4 am, and it was so cold that i was shaking. then ray locked me outside. i didnt find it half as funny as he did. he gave me a haircut last night too, its a lot shorter than i wanted it to be, its like a bowl cut hahaha but its alright. i guess im just anal about what other people do to my hair. it turned out pretty good, i was upset for a little bit so i cut a big chunk out of rays hair, and that made me feel better, but it didnt make him very happy. im going to miss him a whole lot. and im be riding in the car and ill probably start crying when i hear a song that reminds me of here, or of ray. im going to miss being in the city, jacksonville is nothing compared to here. we're getting tattoos probably tomorrow. itll be fun. im looking forward to coming home and seeing my friends, but im going to miss the new ones that i made here. i had a dream that one of his friends was a turtle farmer, i meant to put that in here a while ago but i forgot to.
its funny, ive been seeing people that i know change a lot. i know i changed a lot over the last year or so, and its made me go to the nuetral state of how i want to be. but its weird to see people that keep changing, and its not like they're doing the changing to find out who they really are and whats important to them, its like they're changing to fit whatever seems in style, even if they do it their entire life. but maybe thats who they are, someone who constantly changes, and the nuetral person is who they actually aren't, or who they are trying to become. this paragraph probably made no sense whatsoever but i know exactly what im talking about. it also seems like because of the limited number of people in orange park, no one seems so have a stable group of friends and keep bouncing back and forth between being enemies and friends with the same people. jacksonville's like a black hole, like joey said. i always said once i got out i'd never come back.
but i have to take care of some things, so i just needed to step outside of the circle to look inside and see what was really going on.
man im going to miss it here.