Nov 10, 2004 19:17
so its getting colder... to bad we can't feel it here in hell. i want to wear a parka but sob the downfall of being who i am.
i dont even know where to begin on the happenings of my day. see this is where actually being satan would come in handy i would have my devil powers and use them. all i have to say to you is this... i dont give a fuck about you anymore and i have lost all respect for you. choose what you want in life and stick with it. stop bringing those who love you and used to care about you down. you are so fake and make people believe that you really care when all you care about is yourself.
i think this year my opinion of what a friend is has changed drastically this year. i used to think that good friends are those who you have fun with and make you laugh but now i know that you cant have friends if they arent honest with you and i think the most important is loyalty. the loyalty to stick up for them to know what lines to cross and what lines not to. and if you arent, or dont care about that person dont fucking pretend you do. no one wants that. i would rather not know you exist.
this week is jon jons birthday we are going to wonderworks. then friday i have to dance at the game then i am seeing finding neverland. saturday i hope to be dancing the whole day then maybe hang with kelly and nichole and whoever else.
becca call me. i love you haha your eyes are pretty but im going to cut of your hair im sorry you are a bitch blame your mom.
DONT YOU WISH YOU COULD UNDERSTAND OTHER PEOPLES LOGIC... nichole i love you and you know that.
and you... you say you couldnt be happier... OMG i want to kill you dont you dare think you are getting out of this easy.