Sep 22, 2005 18:41
20 random things. (because i tend to follow what becca and kelly do)
1. I have only ever really like liked four boys.
2. I'm completely comfortable seeing movies alone, and almost prefer it.
3. I have no respect for anyone who says they need a boyfriend/ girlfriend. Or think that they aren't worthwhile without them.
4. I don't really cry as much as I say I do.
5. When it comes to boys I refuse to make the first move, and if I have to then it wasnt meant to be.
6. I have no sense of what a real family is.
7. There isnt a single person on earth that I trust completely, and only when I die will I know who i could have trusted.
8. my smile is crooked, and more people than not have told me its stupid and fake. (that includes my mother) I like my smile and when I meet a guy who honestly likes it too i think i will be in love.
9. I always take the the stairs two at a time.
10. It's all about the little things.
11. I have no concept of money and throw it around as if its nothing. Thats because I've been blessed and I know it, so I would rather give it to the people who need it.
12. I've never experienced real loss. There hasnt been a death in the family that I was old enough to understand, and I haven't ever lost a true friend.
13. I prefer to be stupid and naive.
14. Rollerball, even though it could be the worst movie in the world will always hold a special place in my heart..... talk about being a third wheel times three.
15. I love working. The only time I didnt enjoy myself at a job, I quit that day. I love the great movie ride and no matter how many shows I do, I still get extremely excited for each one.
16. I am only really happy when the people around me are. I don't like to talk about myself I would rather listen.
17. even if it meant driving an hour out of my way, I would choose an AMC theater over anything else.
18. I'm not as dumb as I let on, but I am usually oblivious to what is going on around me.
19. Dogs terrify me, and the worst nightmare I have is someone shoving batteries in my mouth then putting duct tape over it and i'm choking on the acid.
20. I think many people see me as fake, but I have never been fake a day in my life. I like to be happy and i love to make people happy. When I see someone I care about I like to show it, but rarely do I ever feel that someone is excited to see me.