Marilyn && Penndot

Jul 17, 2007 20:44

I have had a very stressfully couple of days.

On Sunday, I was minding my own way, and getting something to eat & drink before Dave came. And I was pouring my green tea and I hear this loud BOOM. I knew, that it was MY car. My driveway isn't very big, so I have to park it out on the street. Well, some bitch in a silver neon crashed into my car at 3. I screamed at the top of my lungs... SOMEONE HIT MY FUCKING CAR~! and started crying. She was probably speeding, I don't know for sure, but she dropped her purse and was looking for it, and went straight into my car. My allignemnt is fucked up, and my back axel. They think my transmission pin came out because she moved my car 2 feet after she hit it. Im furious, I saved for 18 years to get a car, and I finally get the one I want, and she hits it. Who the fuck hits a parked car????

Today, was my drivers test. I got to the PENNDOT building 45 min. before I am supposed thinking that I might get in early. Well, I was wrong. The line wrapped around the building, and took me an hour to get up to the lady. I went back to acutally take my test, and there was three cars before me. My dad asked them how long they were waiting and they woman said about an hour. The guy was on a fucking break. You have appts. why would you take your lunch break? So the first car gets their lisence, the secound and third fail because they can't parrallel park. The kid before me, had backup sensers on his car, that told him where to turn. He pretty much cheated, and they intructor gave him another chance. But he failed. Then comes me, no mind you that I had this ass hole a month ago, and he failed me for driving 3 under the speed limit. So I parrallel park perfectly, and then start to drive. I get to the intersection and turn on my left turn signal, this other car came down the hill, and waved me on saying that I could go. I turned, and the instructor said that I could have gotten us into an accident, and he made me go back to the place. My dad asked what I did wrong, so he could help me out, and the guy didn't even look at him, just said that I needed some practice and to come back later. I have been driving for a year now. Who does this guy think he is? I don't know, but I am very upset. I have another appt. in Aug. somewhere else, because I cannot have this guy again. And to make matters worse, the guys at work are going to be mean, because I am 18 and have no license. I feel like a complete loser.

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