Hi Theta!
Cups looks adorable. I think that puppies grow out of the 'chew it all up!' stage eventually, but he sounds wonderful. I'm so glad that you have him, now! Cups is a cute name, too.
I don't know when I'm going to be able to come out and visit, but I'm looking in to it, promise!
There isn't a whole lot going on in my life right now. Oh! But a met a boy, ha. [attached is a photo of Dib, looking confused, with chocolate on his nose] He made me a cake for my birthday, which was pretty nice of him.
As far as letters go you can write as little or as much as you want, and about anything you want! There isn't really a rule, when you're writing to a friend. So don't worry about that, okay!
I've got to go but I'll try to write or visit again soon. Give Cups a hug for me! Bye!
Hi Livvie,
I waved when I read this but then realized that you couldn't properly see me. I don't think I like letters nearly as much as properly seeing people but I guess they're good until you can actually see them.
I'm pretty sure he does. I asked people and they say so and I've been reading books and they say so too. I guss it's just a matter of time. He's a good dog though, best one I've ever met!
Are you? That's a good thing, that's a very good thing! Seeing you again would be wonderful! Or maybe, if things don't work out, I can try and visit you instead?
He looks very nice! And he makes cakes, that means he can't possibly be bad, even just a little. Anyway, it was your birthday? You have to come now! We can do something for it! Or....something for your next birthday, just very, very early.
Oh, all right then! That's good to know. I still don't think I like letters much but I like thinking you can say whatever you'd like in them.
Okay, I hope you have a good day and tell your boy I say hello and with him a good day too!
- Theta
Hi Koschei,
This is Livvie. Uhm. I don't think we've met, formally, but hi. I'm a friend of Theta's. I helped him get the camera, which is possibly the bane of your existence, now, other than the puppy, who looks really cute! But anyway, I'm rambling.
I was wondering about visiting you guys sometime in the next month or two; I can't stay for very long, 4 days at the most, but I'd really like to come out and visit. I wanted to make sure it was okay with you, first, since I think Theta and Cups are more or less staying with you. So, asking as opposed to sudden teenage girl on your doorstep.
Other than that, hi! Uhm. Is there anything I can bring, for Theta? Let me know.
Hey Ami,
April is finally over. I don't think I've told you, but I hate April. The weather, the wet, all of it. It's kind of a miserable months, as far as months go, but this year it actually wasn't that terrible.
So far things with Dib are going good. I got a car, finally, and summer courses start mid-May so that will keep me busy. Work is slow, mostly because my boss is sick and dealing with some legal stuff, but that's life.
How are you? I haven't talked to you in a while; let me know when this letter reaches you.