Mar 25, 2004 16:49
Hey kiddies..
Work was hellish today-people are such assholes..Retail sucks -_-. oh well.
Went to the house last night for Tammy's birthday..that was cool. Talked with Brandon for a few hours..he says when I go out there we could get an apartment so we'd have more privacy-(he lives upstairs from his cousin and her boyfriend, Adam) we'd get a roomate, of course..probably his friend Tony who is supposedly dying to meet me. Heh. what fun.
As mentioned before, my deadline is still set for the 31st. Brandon worries that when I get there it might be a bit chaotic..because he has so much to do, and I said to him that I didn't care,because he knows he'd have my help and comfort. I WILL keep my deadline.
I can't wait to see him and be with him.I'm so happy. Happier than I've been in quite some time.
blah..I'm tired and my feet hurt.
I'm gonna go lay down and then have dinner.