Fic: Feel

Aug 12, 2011 02:34

Title: Feel
Author: beautyfulevil
Character: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger
Challenge: draco100 #157: Natural
Rating: G
Length: 100
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize from the Harry Potter series is owned by JK Rowling and associates. This piece of writing is merely for practice and entertainment purposes only.

Draco closed his eyes; giving himself time to focus on the things he couldn’t see. The dewy grass soaking through his trousers, a bird chirping in the distance, sunshine warming his skin. He needed to find balance in his life - to find his place in the world around him.

Breathing deeply, the cool morning air breathing life into his weakened and weary soul; Draco opened his eyes. The simple beauty in nature was alive.

“Meditation this morning?” Hermione asked softly, sitting next to him.

Nodding, Draco smiled. His newfound connection with the natural world gave him hope.

draco100, fics

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