Mar 29, 2006 21:14
I feel bad for poor helpless animals that are forced to live in their own shit.
People anger me.
Especially since they think they are "superior" to most other people.
Clean up your dogs shit and clean your cat piss carpets and then maybe you can judge other people.
I am so angry and sad all at the same time.
Poor animals... I wish I could rescue them. :(
Ok in other news....
Yeah not much.
My life is so boring I could spit.
But it is good.
I love that I don't have a world of problems to deal with.
I get up, let my doggies out,
get ready,
go to school,
come home,
let the doggies out,
spend time with my baby,
and go to sleep.
It is a wonderful life after all. :)