Collin hates you all! (not really)

Jan 28, 2005 13:21

that previous entry came off a bit harsher than I had intended. I was getting irritated by certain people and certain things.

it`s no secret I don`t like people very much yet I tend to get along pretty well with people once I get to know them.("a person is smart, people are stupid, panicky animals")
it`s the getting to know them, or lack of willingness to on my part, where problems begin.

people talk about judge not lest ye be judged thyself.

fuck that.I freely admit I`m very judgmental and I think anyone who claims they aren`t at all judgmental is a liar.

if you wear FUBU and a bunch of bling, odds are pretty damn good I won`t like you! plain and simple. iF YoU tYpE LikE tHis You CAn fUCk oFf And DiE. if you call yourself a juggalo or jugalette chances are we`ll have very little in common. (I`ve already ruffled a few feathers over that one on cs, even got a thread dedicated to me because of it.)

of course there are exceptions to the above. case in point is someone on swydm. I`ve never actually spoken to this person but I feel like I`ve gotten to know them a bit through their journal and gallery. last night I discovered she had some ICP pics in her gallery and one of her as a "jugglette". I was a bit disappointed but I`m not going to stop reading her journal over it. I still think she`s a pretty cool person.

it`s when people seem to base who they are on these kinds of thing when I get really annoyed.

end rant
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