I forgot to post this on Sunday...
Unfortunately, part of this entry will be: Did you know that Miranda has to cough up $3K for Coal to have hip replacement surgery? It's a kind of long story, but to make it short, neither one of his hips are in their sockets. Luckily, he doesn't seem like he's in any pain (as he's carrying on with life as he always has). He's only five, though! Ugh, woe my love of animals.
My middle name is Noel, with an accent over the "e" (that I can't figure out how to do on my computer). More often than not, people will pronounce it "no-ehl". When I was a kid, my sister called me "Leon" as a joke, which I didn't find particularly funny. The nickname lingers...
My sister (the blond) is 13 years older than me. Technically, she's my half sister from my dad's first marriage. She grew up in the-middle-of-nowhere Kansas (is there really anywhere in Kansas, though?) and then moved to San Fransisco, CA. We've never lived in the same state. (The other people in the photo are Isaac, myself, aforementioned sister and my dad)
Some of my favorite artwork:
Here is an interesting one for you...Unattached hair disgusts me. Pet hair (ie when my horse is shedding out her winter coat) isn't a huge deal, it's human hair. Even my own makes me kind of ill. Most of all, it's finding it in the shower, sink, drain of the sink (this is the worst!) or random places. I think it all stems from having a clogged sink drain when I was a kid; I took the stopper out and found a glob of hair with a toothpaste cap stuck inside. Ever since then, unattached hair is my kryptonite.
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Fucking disgusting.
El fin.