(no subject)

Jun 12, 2008 02:20

My mom got a new fancy shmancy camera and now that I'm home for summer, gotta get the kids together for a family portrait, but not a real one... (we never had one actually).

Warning: Hella-hella-hella pictures.

Meet my sister Corianne!

That skirt was actually intended for my baby sister and she got so mad that I got it instead, I let her have one of mine. So she's three and I'm nearly nineteen and we share clothes. (SECRET: One time I came to my parents house and I was out of undies, all my bags were packed elsewhere, SO I took my sisters. They fit. I were them... often now.)

Alright, what. the. heck. How come she's catching up to me so soon? I got fifteen years on this kid! Why is she too tall and big for her age? HEY MOM, WHAT THE DEALIO? I'M BITTER.

(P.S. I have rat tail y'all!)

Oh but she's just so pwecious!

Her hair... is so PERFECT! AND SOFT! Guuuh why does sheeeeee get everything hmph (p.s. I'm poking fun at rivaling siblings, our ages are far to spread out for me to care)

Meet my brother William! He's ten years old.

Mumsy is telling us to fix her hair.


Let's face it. I love my brother more. He's pretty much my best friend and out of all the people in the world he's the most important to me, then my mom then my dad yada yada. Now of course I love my sister but at the moment she lacks redeeming qualities. Siiiigh but she is just three. So, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Oh brother!

Oh sister...

So my sister is upset that her head is far away from ours so she demands that we pick her up... OH HEY TITS! Where've ya been all my life?

OH GOD. Future petty blackmail.

Yeah I punched my brother in the face because he ate the last of the cereal KIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGG! Apparently his friend accidently ran into him. Like the other kids head, hit William's? I don't really get it. I want William to say "YOU SHOULD SEE THE OTHER GUY!" give him a tough rep since he's little. No one would mess with him.

This will be the last normal face you'll see. Be prepared for the worst.

flexible faces run in our family.

and huge mouths?

oh god (Sorry I'm shameless, and therefore less cute)


So now my sister is getting jealous. She cries and yells and stomps off into another room.



What animal would you say this is?


Rest your face or else it'll get stuck that way.

I feel like my skin isn't good enough for this camera. It's too precise. I'm (not) ready for my closeup.

Fuggit! I just like to smile!

Doctor? say whaaaaaaaat?


Atleast for now... my mom took a ton more pictures than this actually. I'll post them later. Later with dogs.

kinksterr, lulz

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