This is another full-of-pretty-pictures post, including: Heidelberg castle ruins/town (which were amazing), annoying pictures of my fucking face, and two videos: one lame one from the U-Bahn full of banter and out-the-window footage, and one at the Schwäbisch Gmünd Guggentreffen Musik Festival, which are both close enough approximations to "Jade's day-to-day life" at the moment. Videos first I guess.
Click to view Festival (featuring both "Summer Nights" from Grease and my immense amusement):
Click to view This is perhaps unremarkable to sane people, but I spent 3 minutes quietly panicking to myself: "THEY WILL COLLIDE THIS IS TERRIBLE I CAN'T LOOK."
This is some of Heidelberg from the castle. (Orange roofs? An unquestionable favorite here.)
And here's the famous castle itself:
Now with the best of both worlds: castle AND town!
A lot of crumbling going on. I'll spare the 30-odd pictures of elegantly crumbling things and post the two best.
I never really figured out the mechanisms of this. Schade.
Angels...and lions...I guess.
Homosexual King Triton-esque drunken nymphomaniac.
Evil monkey/cat hybrid with a tambourine!!! Now we're talkin'.
The river + a barge = gleeful hours.
A bridge! I squealed "We're on a bridge, Charlie!" until Christopher wanted me dead.
Then I shut up and made silly faces.
Then I fell in love with a statue. He was Zen and beautiful but loved his ducks more than me and the whole thing ended pretty messily.
I'm a creepy leprechaun-person sometimes.
Now here's some shameless funny faces for the camera's benefit. I'm a friggin' weirdo.
Frigging freezing in my room because the heat wasn't working. (Doubles as an accidental candy-raver glam shot. This is why I generally stray away from colors.)
The end. Peace.