I’m old. So is my application. Can I get this posted to the members list? I’m tired of being black deathed for the music I liked when I was a sophomore in highschool.
Name: Jillian, Jill if you’re lazy, Ms. Summers if you’re nasty.
Age: 20…good god, I applied here when I was 16.
Geographical Location: Asheville, North Carolina.
Relationship Status:Engaged since June.
Occupation: Theatre design/production and creative writing student. As far as paid work goes, I’m the senior scenic shop assistant. I do assistant designs for my professors in down town Asheville theatre and I’m a master carpenter for regional summer stock companies. I build things, I weld things, I learn things. You know the drill
Biggest Turn On: Self deprecating humor and mental similarity to John Cusack.
Biggest Turn Off: People who think comics or science fiction have no substance or importance to modern society. And business men. But usually those are one in the same. (I put two for both, suck on that).
Who is the Supreme Overlord of the Universe? Fina and Tom.
What really gets your goat? Anime fans. I love anime, I have a massive manga collection, but I fucking hate other anime fans. And I hate them even more for giving the rest of us (who act like sane individuals and don’t walk around with “GLOMP ME, I LOVE YAOI” signs all over their fan merch clad, un-showered bodies, buying shitty anime that only makes the market flooded with even shittier titles, pronouncing anime with an ‘ah’ at the beginning because they think it makes them Japanese) a bad name. Just because you like an art form or media form does not mean every aspect of your personality should be defined or ruled by that fact. And for god’s sake, get laid! Alright, /rant.
Any interesting hidden talents? (Like something unique & interesting) I think this question was changed to the juicy secret one, if I’m not mistaken. I’ll answer both.
Talent: I am amazingly and inexplicably skilled at injuring myself at work in the most inane ways. This is includes but is not limited to braking toes, ripping my stomach lining, getting galvanization poisoning, and most recently almost blinding myself with industrial strength bolt cutters.
Secret: I secretly, deep down inside, kind of like watching football on TV.
Promote us in your userinfo, a post in your own journal or in an active community which isn't solely set up for promotion. Link us directly to your promotion (not just the community name. If you advertise in a community that doesn't allow it, you will be automatically rejected and banned): Promotions been in the userinfo for years.
How did you hear about us (please put the individual's LJ handle or the word you searched for to find us)?: Jesus, like I can remember. I’m elderly now.
Make us laugh (picture or text):
That’s not photoshopped. Chris really looks like that. Strange right? Right out of who framed Roger Rabbit, that one is.
Show us your concept of Beauty: (provide ONE image of a face and ONE image of an object, design, painting, photograph, etc. that you find visually attractive)
Maria Montessori made me who I am today.
I’m posting two faces, deal with it.
I like my favorite authors looking homeless and as if they might stab someone for a dollar at any moment.
Frank Lloyd Wright, as egotistical and pompous as he may have been, was one of my inspirations when I decided to go into set design. I have a book of his color renders and they are all amazing.
More In Depth...
How would you like to die? How do you expect you will die? As far as setting goes, I want to be old. I want a full life behind me with children and grand children all grown and independent. I want to have lived long and happy with my husband and go peacefully in my sleep. It’s not very exciting or legendary but it is what I want. However, I expect I’m probably going to die within the next five years or so by a reciprocating saw to the chest or maybe setting myself on fire with an arc welder or falling from a 12 foot ladder while trying to hang a suspended flat. I’m surprised, honestly, that I still have all ten toes and fingers.
What do you like the most about humanity? The way that traffic stops completely when an ambulance or fire truck is coming. Or how people pull over in respect when funeral a party (that’s a strange turn of phrase, funeral party…) passes. Driving is what puts humanity at our worst, but in those moments we show the best in all of us.
What would you add to the water supply to improve humans? Glucosamine supplements. Everyone’s joints need a little help.
Tell us a story (make it interesting):
A bear walks into a bar and tells the bartender, “I’ll have a gin and…….tonic, please.”
The bartender asks, “Why the big pause?”
“Because I was born with them!”
I dug it. Too bad if you did not feel the same.
Uhhh story…I’m really storied out with my fiction writing class. If you actually want to read any of it, I’ll post something I wrote, but you probably don’t want to read my shit so I’m not going to post it on here for you to scroll through.
Illustrate the subject of your choice in MS Paint. [If you're on a mac, you can use
imagniation cubed or some other online whiteboard application without having to download anything.] One time, back when I played soccer, I had a particularly heinous practice called a Brazilian Circuit. I then came home and spent 3 hours describing it through mspaint.
I share it with you now The Community
What other rating communities have you applied to before you came here? Many back in highschool. I’m not in any now.
Explain to us in amusing detail the best reason[s] for rejecting this application.You can’t! HAHA. Well, that was amusing to me, anyway.
If you were allowed a threesome opportunity with any two Stamped Members, who would you choose and why? Hmmm, picking Shannon and Chris would be too close to home and you know, been there done that. I would say Mark because he is intelligent, witty, and his comments always leave me with a smile. Annnnd…Jade because her comments have been HIGHlarious since her return.
What two members do you wish would contract the black death? You can use their applications, entries, comments and votes to make your judgement, as long as your judgement is here and not elsewhere! Make sure you tell us who you're judging. (Hint: this is your chance to show us your stuff.)Valerie Ann, she was inactive when she was first kicked out, and now that she’s back she’s hardly been more involved. Not to mention her votes are always pretty mundane, and she never posts pictures. And oh, lets just say that hoe bag Shannon because I like everyone else well enough, and I know she’s already contracted enough to equal the black death anyway. ZING!
Have you read and understood the consequences for breaking the rules? (Insert generic picture of a dachshund in a hot dog outfit)
What question do you feel should be on this application? Why? Now answer the question.
What is your favorite book and why?
Reason: Everyone knows that music and movie questions are utterly lame and reveal nothing of a person’s real character, but books, man books are different. You can learn anything about a person by looking at their book shelf.
Answer: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (five book collection because some of the best stuff is in the last two). Because it makes me cry from laughing and puts me in another world. Close second for basically the same reasons-Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere.
At least three clear face shots- this means face forward, no high contrast. Ten picture maximum: one must be a candid shot, another a salute.