Part 1
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After growing his hand back, the Doctor says he's a lucky man. Looking back on Ten's era he wasn' that lucky. Of course he has been lucky but I could also go about how unlucky he's been too. I won't go on about it.
Rose seems to be accepting him as the Doctor. That didn't take long, not that I'm complaining. On a sidenote, I hope if Rex gets picked up David american accent is better. I think that's a Texas accent and I think the show's set in Chicago or the character is from Chicago or something like that.
The Doctor won that round. Now for what's the probably the first time ever, Ten and Rose smile at each other. They have got to be the most adorable pairing ever. <3
One of my favourite things about Doctor Who is the hugs. It makes me happy. It's another reason why this is my favourite show.
I love the suit. I don't think I have anything else to say that doesn't sound shallow. :P
I love it when they give each other smiles. It's adorable. They're adorable. This is probably why this is my favourite Christmas special. I miss happy!Ten.
My favourite scene in the episode. I love how unsure they are and how happy the two of them are when they still want to go travelling together. I also love the hand holding. <3