The Good ship smut-tastic is docking...

Jul 31, 2006 20:49

On the good ship, Smutathon...
Here (at very, very long last) is some unashamed smut. I am the queen of slow writing.
I would pretend there was a plot but really, whats a little bit of plot-less-ness between friends...;)
Thank you to my darling beta's. All mistakes are therefore mine.

Title: "How to totally fail to complain effectively in a hotel lobby, even if you are Draco Malfoy, and your Death-Stare could kill."
Author: Ripples_and_I
Pairing: h/d
Word Count:1,784.
Summary: Draco is complaining. Badly. But loudly (and smuttily???). In a hotel lobby.
Rating: NC-17 (to be safe)
Disclaimer: I weep and wail, but still, they are not mine. They are JK's.

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