- Name: Sophie.
- Age: Over 18.
- Reasons you like/adore/love slash? I don't really analyze it - I enjoy slash because I do. It's that simple.
- Which do you prefer the most: female slash or male slash? Must say I'm partial to the male/male loving.
- What's your favourite slash pairing? Well, some of my favorites are: PW/NL, SS/RL, SS/SB, SS/SB/RL.
- What's your least favourite slash pairing? Please don't be offended, but: HP/DM, DM/SS, and SS/HP would be some of my top disliked.
7. What are your thoughts on incest slash? I'm all right with incest, but not chan incest. Fred/George == Fine. Ginny/Arthur == Not fine. This does not mean I won't read them - it's not real, is it?
8. What are your thoughts on chan-slash (very young child having sex with an adult)? Wrong, but I'll read the occasional one. It's not real; it's
not hurting any actual children, ergo, I'm occasionally a little squicked by an especially well-written one but I don't think it's wrong to read or write them.
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