Name: Leigh, penname Perrien Puck
Age: 19
Reasons you like/adore/love slash? There is a strange gentleness about it. This is probably a female misapprehension, but the raw attraction that is portrayed in the best types of slash resonates as very real to me. With so much relationship/sexual superficiality in life I don’t think every story can be sweeping and the end-all romance-or indeed should be-but there is something genuine about slash that draws me to it. Plus, attractive guys together and all that.
Which do you prefer the most: female slash or male slash? Male slash, only because I’ve been immersed in it for so long and because there is a wider field for it. But I am always open to-and have begun to actively seek-good femmeslash stories, and have written both.
What's your favorite slash pairing? There are so many (if we are talking about the HP fandom solely) and many of them are the typical “classic” ones. So I’ll pick one I think I may be the only slasher for: Neville Longbottom/Viktor Krum. Interestingly enough, I am usually such a canon fanatic, and this one has no real canonical motivation, but I think it is extremely cute and sweet. Which helps deflect all the OMG!angst I usually attract. Plus, Neville deserves someone who really cares for him.
What's your least favorite slash pairing? I would have to say Snape/student. Not so much the chan element, but I just can’t see Snape canonically having sex with a student. I can see him having kinky gay sex, but he wouldn’t mare his professionalism or authoritative veneer with student dalliances. But that is just my opinion, Snarry shippers.
What are your thoughts on incest slash? Heh, well since I write it I can’t-without being a hypocrite-have problems with it. I don’t read hetfics [incest or otherwise] but since this is a slash community, that shouldn’t matter. I have a slight squick reaction to parent/child incest, but I can deal with it. My incest of choice is brothers or sisters, or really just relatives of or around the same age.
What are your thoughts on chan-slash (very young child having sex with an adult)? I don’t write it [except on very special and rare requests] or read it, but I don’t begrudge those who do. I think the wonderful thing about fandom is-or at least should be-our willingness to embrace all kinds of shippers. Personally I don’t find chan slash arousing, but more power to those who do.