It's the communities local drag queen back again for more.
I guess this post could be hair/makeup themed.......
I am wearing a wig and insane amounts of makeup.
Girls: Be sure to show these pics to all your straight guy friends and after they say I'm really hot tell them I'm a guy. You can tease them for weeks!
The costume was suppose to be a gangster girl but I was informed that it resembles an old Britney Spears outfit.
Damn you Britney!
Jeff & Sophie.
Sophie & Eric.
Me & Eric.
Me & Jeff.
Me & Sophie.
Playing with ours boobs.
Jeff & Eric.
Me & Marc Andre. (He's the newest addition to our gang. Sophie's new boyfriend.)
Me & Janis.
Me & Jeff again.
Me, Jeff, & Eric having an orgy in the park.
Me touching myself. Oh la la!
Ciao bitches.