Mar 25, 2010 12:47
i think i'll have to start using this again so I can vent my frustrations. I wish i could do it on facebook, but it seems the people on my friends list there a fucking morons who love to flame war. I'm not against having a political internet discussion, but I got over f-biden flame wars when i was 17 and stopped going to FRAI
so that being said, I have a few issues
1. Don't insult people who don't support the troops because of the war we're in and then talk about Barack Obama is f-biden terrorist.
2. Stop bitching about the money that his 22 pens cost (which has been a tradition since HARRY F-BIDEN TRUMAN) They're pens, and they're nicer then a bic pen, but not 24k gold fountain pens molded from the virgin Mary's vagina. what about all the extra money in security and police over time pay to protect Democrats from violent Tea Baggers. That's an issue we need to address.
I think I'm going to make my way around major cities, standing on a soapbox holding signs. I won't say a word. I think my first sign will be "Pull your head out of your ass"