Jul 13, 2004 20:04
So I got sick from the little girl that i was babysitting for the last time i updated..ehh.. ;x really really sucks! My nose is all stuffy and the worst times to get colds is in the summer because the hot air doesnt really help and the yucky weather isnt really helpping either.. So I slept over brendans for the past couple days.. and they are hooking up his SPRINT cell phone tomorrow lo...thank god .. ha.. i have sprint too sooo we can always talk for free.. soo him and i can talk for free and it costs no mins.. This weekend on friday night i am babysitting..then on saturday i am doing a party and i have emma's birthday party.. and then i am babysitting and brendan is coming with me.. and on sunday I think i have a party to do or something like that.ehh.. tomorrow night i think im going to juss chill with brendan and i think ill get a movie from block buster for us to watch..because i dont think ill be up for anything esle.. and eurotrip was sooo funny.. iight all for now peacee!