Contact Info and Character Info

Sep 06, 2014 18:45

AGE: 32
PREFERRED PRONOUN: He, but will still answer to "she" since he played the majority of the female cast
PERSONAL LJ: darkp_hawk
Facebook: Nam Vo

NAME: Rei Hino, Rei-chan to her friends, Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mars, Princess Mars
AGE: 14 (I know the English version says she's 16 but I'm going to go with the Japanese 14)
GENDER: Female
ROLE IN CANON: Rei is a Sailor Guardian for Princess Serenity, the second leader for the Guardians, and one of Usagi's/Sailor Moon's closest confidantes
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Rei Hino/Sailor Mars is feature in the Sailor Moon animes, mangas, and live-action show. The version of Rei I am taking her from is the manga version with a bit of her current incarnation in Sailor Moon Crystal.
TIMELINE PERIOD: The end of the Dark Kingdom arc where she commits suicide to save Sailor Moon and the world
Civilian form:
strong spiritual power
can sense "dark presences"
limited exorcist abilities
unpredictable premonitions
fire reading
Sailor Mars
can create and control fire
shoots a powerful fireball by shouting "Youma Taisan!" or "Fire Soul!"
*she gains other abilities over time but from the point where I pulled her from, these are her only powers*
CHARACTER BACKGROUND: Rei Hino first appeared in chapter 3 of the manga. She is a miko at the Hikawa Shrine and she is meditating in front of a fire where she gets a premonition of trouble arising. As the chapter unfolds, Rei meets Serena/Usagi on the "Phantom bus" for the first time. Technically, Serena/Usagi stalked Rei as she got off the bus, claiming Serena/Usagi had no plans for that day and Rei was so beautiful. When Serena/Usagi followed Rei onto temple grounds, the crows Phobos and Deimos attacked Serena/Usagi. This prompted Rei to believe Serena/Usagi was an evil spirit and she tried to exorcise Serena. After Rei apologizes for her mistake, the girls hear the cries of a mother. The mother's daughter has gone missing and this prompts suspicions. After some time, Rei was approached by a group of mothers and accusations starts flying around. This causes Rei to lose her temper and yell at the mothers. After some meditation, Rei senses that Serena could be in danger and goes to confront the Phantom bus. Unfortunately, Rei is hypnotized and falls asleep on the bus. Seeing Rei unconsciously through the bus window, Serena changes into a stewardess and tries to save Rei. Serena transforms into Sailor Moon to help Ami locate her and both Sailor Guardians confront Jadeite while he holds Rei hostage. Using their abilities, they were able to free Rei from his grasp. With proper prompting, Rei receives her transformation pen and becomes Sailor Mars for the first time. After a breif battle, the children were saved and Sailor Mars joined the other guardians as a member of the team.
After a few adventures, all five Sailor Guardians are united to fight against the Dark Kingdom and retrieve the Silver Millenium Crystal. In the process, the Sailor Guardians regained their past memories of the Moon Kingdom and their mission. Specifically for Mars, she remembers that she is Princess Mars from that planet. In the process of remembering the past, Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity unlocked the Silver Millenium Crystal within her. However, Tuxedo Mask was captured by the Dark Kingdom and the Sailor Guardians prepare a trip to the moon to fully remember their past so they can prepare for their final confrontation with the Dark Kingdom. Eventually, they traveled to the moon and met with the former Queen Serenity who gave more exposition to their past lives.
In the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl sent the last of her four warriors to get the crystal, only to have him die in the process. This was part of her plan however to corrupt the captured Tuxedo mask into becoming the Sailor Guardians' enemy. It worked and he eventually broke into the Guardians' headquarters to steal the crystal. In the ensuing battle, many things happened such as Queen Beryl being killed and a possessed Tuxedo Mask capturing Sailor Venus. Sailor Moon and the other Guardians chased after them to the Dark Kingdom at the North Pole. In the fight at the Dark Kingdom, Sailor Moon killed Tuxedo mask and herself to release Tuxedo mask from Queen Metalia's control. In the process, Queen Metalia was able to absorb the crystal, it's powers, and the two lovers. The other Sailor Guardians sacrificed themselves by using all their combined powers to awaken Princess Serenity.
After Sailor Moon awakens and has the final confrontation with Queen Metalia, she wins and gains the new power of the Moon Crystal Power. However, this cost her so much that she used the power to restore everything to its former glory. From here, we move on to the next season. However, I pulled Mars from the time of her sacrifice so her backstory ends here for now.
CHARACTER PERSONALITY: The manga and Sailor Moon Crystal version of Rei is different from her normally preceived personality in the original anime. Rei is a stoic and serious individual who does not get too involved with men. She is described as being a beautiful, smart and reserved woman. She lives with her grandfather at the Hikawa Shrine on Sendai Hill, which is where she works as a miko. She also has a sharp tongue and frequently berates Sailor Moon on her irresponsibility. However, Rei forms a bond of loyalty to Serena/Usagi which creates an affection for her friend which trumps everything else. Rei will and has died for Serena/Usagi on numerous occassions and vice versa. Serena/Usagi is Rei's closest friend and confidante and Serena/Usagi turns to Rei first when she has any problems she needs someone to listen to.
Her father is a politician and he cares very little about his family. This has cause Rei to have a very low opinion of men in general. She also has ESP abilities which make her appear distant and unapproachable to most people, save the other Sailor Guardians. Although she sometimes adopts an aloof, big-sisterly attitude around them, this façade is frequently broken by her own enthusiasm, her genuine affection for all of them, and her sharp tongue.
Rei dreams of becoming a priestess and it reflects in her likes and dislikes. She likes Zazen (meditating), ancient writing, rubies, Thai food, fugu, white Casablancas, pandas, small lizards, divination, the colors red and black, and plum juice. She dislikes canned asparagus, television, men, and modern society.
WORLD: Sailor Moon takes place on Earth and the former Moon Kingdom. It is a world full of magic, reincarnation, and the power of true love. The five main heroines of the world are former princesses of the other worlds reincarnated as normal girls who fights evil in the universe. The universe if full of evil monsters which the girls have fought and beaten on many occassions.
ROLE: Rei would be best as a civilian with a job in the gardens. Her dislike of modern technology and her love for nature and the spiritual would make her most suited in the gardens.

ID Number: #7344466