I officially hate it here. No scratch that, I hate certain people here. Why? Why did I have to get involved with him...or not get involved with him to be more appropriate. He is such a prat.
I just want to go home, I want my family and my friends and to see people who don't lie to me or expect me to guess every little thing about them. I like Hogwarts, I do. The teacher and the subjects are good. I just don't feel like I have anyone here, I mean Ruby and Fern are best friends so I kinda feel like a third wheel and I don’t want to be a reason they fight. Field is busy with Briar, whom is actually pretty cool. So it's just kinda me. Normally that fact wouldn’t bother me in the slightest, I am more than capable of taking care of myself. Its just now, with everything going on...I feel venerable. I don't like it.
I was looking through my photo album, after my little spat with Fern and I found a lovely picture of myself and Dillian, it got me thinking about how happy I was with him and how I might not be that happy again....