
Jun 06, 2005 21:29

Name: I'm known as Jessie Deal
Age: 23
Birthday: 25/8/81
Location: Israel
Sexuality (Just for reference. Your answer here will in no way disqualify you from entry.): het. boring perhaps, but it's not up to me

Favorite musical genre (If rock, please specify.): Here we go... in the words of Paul Gilbert "I Like Rock". That includes cheesy pop-rock and 80s glam, a bit of metal, a bit of progressive, guitar players (I mean instrumental), a tiny bit of classic rock and some new things. I'm open to experimentation and I figure this list will change (and grow) in the years to come

Favorite bands/artists: Tesla; Extreme, esp "Waiting for the Punchline" - because they changed their sound on every album; Dream Theater; Satch; Megadeth; Vaughn (Tyketto); (the new) Alice Cooper (I didn't catch up with his past yet, so I can't say I love it because I don't know it yet); Racer X/Mr. Big (with and without Paul)/Paul Gilbert solo

Three to five favorite songs (Name artists): this is in no way an actual list. This is just what jumped to the top of my head as I did this questionary:
Dream Theater - Metropolis pt. I (boring? you bet, but it really is a great song.)
Extreme - There Is No God
Paul Gilbert - My Religion (how can you not like a song that goes 'I wanna hear a heavy sound and let it surround me - this is my religion' ?)
Wildhearts - V-day

Who’s your favorite musician and why?: weren't we here already? I suppose that judging by my previous answer I'll have to say it's Paul Gilbert, because I like everything he does, be it trash(?) in Racer X or Pop as solo. But my favourite band is still Tesla. For no real reason. I just like their sound.

Musical genre and bands you hate and why?: I don't really hate a 'genre' - I dislike techno and house and anything like that because it doesn't have an actual melody. Same goes for some rap - but not all of it, ocassionaly I might like a rap song, especially if it has good lyrics with a meaning beyond the 'I'm the baddest mother**a, all the biches love me, yo!'.. In fact I very much love good lyrics - too bad they are hard to find.
I dislike the idea of 'girl/boy bands' because it's superficial. I'll freely admit to liking Take That 'though because they made good pop. And they even wrote it, too (*gasp*)

Why is music important to your life? (Be specific, this question is important.): I think music choice (or lack there of) can say something about your personality. If a person answers to the 'what music do you listen to' question with 'I dunno ... whatever's on the radio' I simply think of them as superficial and without depth. This is wrong, and I realize it, however to me, being 'fed' with something is simply not caring enough. It's being just-like-everyone-else-is - and what's the point of that? I don't want to be just another copy out of assembly-line of the 'the right kind of people' factory. And I'm not a 'freak' in any way - in fact I'm boringly normal - but I think you should choose what you do and not be a sheep.

Hmm.. that didn't really answer, did it? I'll try again. Music is important because it gives me something to do while I ride on the bus. Not what you wanted to hear? How about: Music is important to me because it defines who I am.. No.. that sounds like I'm one of the elitist snobs - and you already read enough to know that this isn't really the case (in music, anyway). So I'll say Music is Important because it's fun and can influence my mood or simply create a pleasant background, it can be a great topic for conversation and be one more filter for meeting people who are like yourself.

What is your opinion on...
Abortion: I'm pro-choice

Stem Cell Research: I'm a life-science major. I support stem cell research (and probably have professors who do it, too)

Gay Marriage: All people are equal. Gay marriages are something that needs not be put into question. It should be obvious that it should be allowed. Unfortunately it is not the case in too many countries which claim to be cultured.

Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, illegal, and such): Smoking is bad for your health and your pockets. Plus it tastes bad. Drinking is okay if done in correct amounts - I don't drink, actually (I know I'm a shame to my Russian roots). As for drugs - it's your body, so it's your choice. Just don't drive while drunk/hi, because that puts other people in danger.

Government in General: All of them are idiots. I'm voting for the Green Party the next time. Actually I'm mostly liberal and supported Kerry in the last US elections. I wasn't happy when Bush won - but it's not up to me, as the citizens of 52nd state aren't officially entitled to vote in US elections.

Religion: Atheist. opinion on religion: do what you want, just don't make other people do what you do.

Waffles: the mandatory'I loves me some waffles.' However I'd like to state that I love Belgian Waffles, fresh with fruits and sugar or the street-stand version in melted sugar. Both are fine with me.

Other Info
Favorite Food: Camembert .. actual food: Pizza and fresh salad (Greek)
Favorite Book: Satan - His Psychoterapy and Cure by the unfortunate Dr. Kassler, G.S.P.S. by Jeremy Leven
Favorite Movies: The Princess Bride; Galaxy Quest; Dream With The Fishes; Secretary; The Emperor's Club & if it counts Vincent
Other Likes: Douglas Adams (from before it was a movie), Sci-Fi, popular science, (square-shaped gadgets)
Dislikes: J-Lo and Britney Spears ( immitators) look on every 12 year old girl (do we really need our kids looking like sluts?), people with no opinion of their own (the ones that says 'whatever you say/you choose all the time and mean it, too), people that don't care, racism/chauvinism/extreme feminism, the X-treme and 'in your face' attitude that we see from comercialism lately. STUPIDITY (round-shaped gadgets)
Something funny or interesting about yourself (Interesting facts and or stories will do nicely): I used to be in military boarding school and than in army, which pretty much didn't let me go through the 'be an angsty weird looking freak teenager' phase. So when I left the army I decided that I owe myself something. I decided I'd colour my hair bottle-green, however failing to find bottle green I eventually coloured it dark-blue (the green was ugly IMO). Half of the colour came off the next day and I had to repaint it. The shop where I bought the colour from didn't have any more dark, so I ended up with light blue instead. It was fun having people stare. I dressed up business-like and very much tried to look classy. That got them even more confused (of course, *normal* people don't colour their hair in unnatural colours - having blond with black roots is okay, but blue? No, can't have that..)
Rant about something. Anything you think would be worth our while: Okay, how about this:
I watched the Eurovision a couple of weeks ago. Since some of you aren't familiar I'll explain that this is a competition, in which every European country gets one song. ABBA are the immidiate explanation : won the Eurovision -> became famous , you know the rest. Mostly the people who win do not become huge, of course, but there's always that chance, and of course, it's always interesting to watch a good show.
A couple of years ago the voting system was changed from judge panel to general public. The result? Each year we get a bigger-then-ever (blond-coloured)-chicks-with-their-tits-outside or East European rapper wannabees (Russia last year, Ukraine this year. What is it with all the bad-rapping popularity lately?) Of course there are always good songs - but they never win. And I'm not even talking about the *rock* songs, either. There were some good pop songs on there - but they never stood a chance because they weren't sung by a half-naked chick. Yes, this is a competition so the songs need to be instantly liked by a wide audience, but when did *looks* and *show* became more important then the actual music?

sorry, I know you've asked to post the music, but right now I have news on the telly as my 'music'. Last thing I heard today (by choice): Alice Cooper - Stolen Prayer on the bus home
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