(no subject)

May 06, 2005 10:02

So I've been jotting down a couple of band names and I thought that I'd run a few of them by yall to get some input

Robbing the Tree
Another Second Of Hate (Or A.S.H.)
Yesterday's Wake
Veritgo (Yeah, I know kinda un-original, I'm sure there's a band by that name already, but not that I know of)
Ambigous Vision
Fall Within
Rust in Nails
Cause of Change (I particularly like this one)

A few of them have meaning behind them, one or two don't, there are a few of them were taken from a song that I've been a part of writting.

"Cause Of Change" is a somewhat funny story. When I first heard (K)now (F)orever by Mudvanye (without reading the lyrics, mind you) somewhere in the song I thought I heard Chad say "Rising upward, cause of change." -and I was pretty touched by it, it had a very sentemental value to me. I later read the lryics, and found out that he wasn't saying "Cause Of Change" -I can't remember what he's saying now...but the point is that it's mine!

(Which a quick side note, somewhat un-related to this: This is another reason why I love Mudvayne, they encourage you to put your own meaning to their music, and therefore they try not to go into too much detail when talking about songs- I think it's fucking amazing to provoke thought into something like this)

I hope everyone's day is going well!
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