Sep 29, 2008 13:13
Is anyone else's skin really weird about water conditions? I ask because it seems when I live in an area with bad water, my face breaks out and I have a hard time controlling it. Whenever I visit my mom, who now runs her shower and bath water through a water filter, my skin clears up.
Up until about two years ago, I always had perfect skin. Even when I was in high school, had a horrible horrible diet and weighted over 200 pounds, I had clear, healthy, gorgeous, soft skin. Especially my face.
But right about the time I turned 20, my face started breaking out. I got my first pimple shortly after I turned 21, so I started using a cocoa butter facial scrub twice a week, but only made things worse for me and I started breaking out more, so I stopped using it. My skin cleared up, but I started getting these small tiny bumps that weren't white heads or black heads. I figured they were clogged pores, so I started using the facial scrub again, only I limited the use to whenever I felt I needed it.
I'm having the same problem now with getting the occasional pimple and black head, and I'm using the Saint Ives Apricot scrub now, one a week. I don't wear any makeup at all, and live in a pretty horrible area as far as water conditions go.
Am I using this facial scrub right? Do I use it once or twice a week, or only when I start to break out? Do I discontinue use if I have a pimple, since it brings all the impurities to the surface, or should I use it when I have a pimple?