I previously made a post on my hair fall situation
here (Thank you all who commented and helped with advice! :D).
yumichan said Biotin promotes hair growth and a lot others seconded her opinion. So, I went out to get a bottle of Biotin supplements. I wasn't quite sure how much a dose I should have gotten, so the pharmacist suggested a 600mcg pill a day since I was 15. But when I went home and googled, most people suggested 2000-5000mcg a day :\ So I don't know if I should be popping about 3 pills a day or just stick to 1. I just took the first pill today, and of course, I'm not expecting any instant reactions, but could 600mcg be too little? The bottle, though, does state one pill a day, so I don't know if I should take another or even 3 or 4 or 5.
The normal intake of Biotin a day is usually 200-300mcg, so 600mcg, as it states, is 200%. Could too much Biotin actually be...harmful? As far as I've googled and read, no one has complained of side effects after taking 5000mcg of Biotin a day, so I'm not quite worried, but for a 15 year old, could it be harmful?
I think it would be best if I consulted a professional or a doctor, but I've been seeing so many of the late, my mom thinks I'm paranoid and does not let me go see any consultant until February which is my next appointment with the dermatologist.
My situation has been worsening day by day and has not gotten any better since it first started which was in mid-Sept, so I'm desperate and I'd appreciate any kind of help, really.