Jan 20, 2007 17:51


haha XD homg i seriously went square dancing last
night. no lie. i am dead serious. & you know what? it
was loads of fun!

last night kelsey came to sleep over & we were working
on a fundraiser for our drama club, which happened to be
a square dance. ( i have no idea who the heck came up with
the idea of square-dancing... *ponders* )

anyways, i put on my denim jacket and braided my hair
and somehow managed to get my country accent back. it
came pretty natural since i lived in the south for six years.

it was loads of fun! i couldn't even believe it. there were so many...
old people. but i still seemed to have the time of my life!

ooOOo and even my old crush jesse danced with me. he's a 
sweetheart. and really kyute ;-)

ya'll come back now, ya her?
[ loren ]


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