I didn't own him, and he had never lived here either. I only met him a small handful of times, but he was one of those animals, that just awes, and inspires you, and you can never forget.
Sisu as a baby, had an over-mothering mother, who took off most of his rear limbs while cleaning off afterbirth. After making it through that trauma so soon after birth, this miracle boy lived on, to act as though nothing was wrong. He walked on stub legs, which had to be washed, and babied.
Sisu was a very special rat, to everyone who met him. He was a sweet, strong, and kind soul. One of the 'people' who you looked into their eyes, and just saw this massive amount of strength, love, and passion. That rat was a super rat, who not only could live through the trauma of loosing 1/2 his rear limbs, but lived his life, as though nothing was wrong.
I don't think anyone who met Sisu, could ever forget him. He was truely a blessing to all who had the opportunity to meet him.
Here's a pic of King Sisu I took after his crowning as "The Rat King" at the '06 Mercer Island RatsPacNW show:
RIP sweet old man. the world is a lonelier, less snuggly place already without you.
Sisu was owned and bred by Lynn of ROUS Rattery in Seattle, but I'm grateful she shared that special little rodent with as much of the world as was possible. Sisu, he was really someone great, and I have no doubt that everyone who met him, feels the same.