Since the topic came up in
ratties, I figured I'd start sharing come of my experience with 'hard to handle' rattie problems. One HUGE problem comes when it's time to give ickky meds!
(Ignore the crumbs on her... they are cookie crumbs from rattie cookie treats I'd also been giving her!)
One of the easiest ways to teach a rattie to quickly accept meds, is give them treats through syringes. This way, they see a syringe as a positive thing, rather than negative. After giving meds, I always reward my rats with a tasty treat! That way they are more likely to accept the meds again later. On some stubborn rats, I will have to switch back and forth through the dosing.
This baby is drinking soy baby formula, but smoothies, juice, and diluted syrups are other examples of liquid treats. (I prefer to stick with healthier treats, that ratties like though, such as fruit/veggie smoothies) For smoothies, you can make a large batch, then freeze them into individual 'doses' to thaw out in ice cube trays. There are many sizes of ice cube trays to choose from, so you can pour cubes in a variety of sizes to fit your mischief.
I start babies off young, then continue into adulthood. Saves a lot of stress on me, and the rats when they need meds! I also suggest to those I place rats with that they keep this up, as it does imprint on the rats through their lives.
*REMEMBER* Use a needle-less syringe, to prevent hurting the rat ;) You can order them online, get them from your vet, or buy them at any feed store.