so much to do... so little time...

Oct 05, 2005 20:09

ok so there a ton of fun stuff going on right now!! this is the last update from a brunette... tomorrow i will be BLONDE! ahhh! i know - go ahead... say it "you'll hair will finally match your personality!" whatever - im kinda nervous though. i hope i like it. it will definitely be a big change.

saturday i leave for SASC! im so flippin excited. really, i havent been this excited about something in a long time. me, kami, and melissa are gonna have a ton of laughs and good times! ill be back from texas on tuesday night.

then wednesday morning my dad, step-mom, and grandma are coming in from washington and california for my sisters wedding. so im gonna spend the whole day with them at their hotel on the beach. i havent seen my dad or step-mom since my sisters graduation and i havent seen my g-ma in like 4 years. im really excited. and then wednesday night my moms aunt is flyin in from ohio for the wedding and shes always fun - nothing like and old single yankee lady to make ya laugh!

then thursday and friday we have tons of wedding stuff going on and the wedding itself is on saturday. ryans doing his video thing for them - thats cool!

so yeah my life is a little hectic for the next week and a half... but its all good. im really excited!

kayla :)
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