Woo, fringe...

Jul 09, 2005 17:03

Wow, yeah. So, opened last night. Got definite good reactions from not only the audience (very few of which I knew, actually!) and the in house techs and one very loving Usher really all enjoyed it! Which means non-roleplayers got it and enjoyed it!! So that's great. Over thirty people last night, and almost fourty people today (over 40 with the few comps we had)! So that's fantastic. it'd be nice if we could keep getting such solid houses, especially with fringe being up against so many other shows.

Here's the one line review. Not half bad at all really:


3.5 stars is actually fantastic. only 30% of shows get over 3 stars, most get 2 or 2.5, so that makes me quite excited!

If you've seen it, or are going to see it, post comments under the review of a good nature to give us support and a buzz going, please! And thank you all for your support once and again. Still 5 shows to go!



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