Here's to a great weekend

Feb 05, 2006 21:45

Friday was cool because I was suppost to have class and it got canceled. I went to school for about 20 minutes anyway in the LRC and thought "why am I hear?" I quickly left. That afternoon Dan came over and the guys from Charter came and fixed my internet so that it works all the time. Friday night Dan and James came over and we drank. A very late Friday night turned into a late Saturday. At first I thought that I just had a hangover, but then I realized that I was actually sick. I had a sore throat, fever, and pounding headache. Dan was really nice and stayed and made me a grilled cheese sandwhich and tomoato soup. It was so nice of him to take care of me, and he is a wonderful cook. By the time they left I was really tired and pretty much just went to bed. I slept the whole night, which is rare. I almost always wake up at some point or another. This morning when I woke up I felt much better, but now I have the sneezes. I watched a movie called "The Notebook" this morning because it just felt right to not be in a hurry on this Sunday, just relax and take it easy. It's a really good movie, a love story. I'm usully not into those that much, but this one is totally worth it. Then Dan came over in the early afternoon and we made some cheese chip dip. It's very good. We enjoyed that while watching the Superbowl. It was really nice to get to spend almost the whole weekend with him. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, except for the being sick part. Back to school tomorrow. It was great to have three days off. Dan and I also set a wedding date, besides just the month and year.
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