Mar 20, 2009 17:40
So--it's been what, 6 months or so since i last posted???
Wedding stuff is coming along. We have a website, which I made and am super proud of ( - type in my name in the search box and a link will come up). We just registered for gifts today, which was super exhausting, but needed to be done, since my mother-in-law-to-be has been bugging me to do it for a good month now. There's a shower on LI over memorial day weekend, followed by 1 or 2 up here, depending on whether my mother and fathers families will tolerate each other long enought to have on.
We have:
location, officients, flowers, photography, dress/veil, tux ordered, most of a guest list, honeymoon mostly booked, registry mostly done.
big stuff left includes cake tasting, rings, pre cana, FINAL guest list, as my mother in law is continuing to add people to the shower list, bridesmaid dresses, favors, invitations, meeting with girl from ramada to finalize menu. plus little stuff.
7 months out, i think we're in good shape.
Work is going pretty well. there was a 3-4 month stretch where i really hated my job, but it's getting better. im definitely feeling more comfortable. im planning on staying there at least through next winter, then we'll see if I make any moves. At least I'm not bored...and I definitely have met some interesting people. I've been working in a lot more east side homes lately- think ECMC area, and up and down Bailey, from Kensington to Clinton- which has been challenging, but not life-threatening, as of yet. sometimes im pretty sure that right after i leave, all my patient is thinking is "DAMN that girl is white". I stick out ridiculously, but I think i'd look much sillier if I tried to be all hip and urban. :)
Most of the time I even feel like I know what I'm doing, which is a big change from 6 months back.
Alex is doing well in school, and he has his first loose tooth. He's getting OLD.
Ugh. My life is so adult and boring.