speaking of halloween, we're planning a party either here at the u of r or at lizmo's in albion for friday october 27th. so see if you're free, and knab a sitter if you can. :)
speaking of work...I found out that not only is my grandma in the nursing home you work in, but Jeff's mom works for some lady who is in there. This ladies family like pays her to go spend time with this lady in the nursing home. I saw her car parked their one day and was like why the heck is she there? And that is when I found out. How ironic!
Comments 3
speaking of halloween, we're planning a party either here at the u of r or at lizmo's in albion for friday october 27th. so see if you're free, and knab a sitter if you can. :)
and I'm currently sick. If you want my health history or whatever else, you are welcome to it. :) (just hurry up before I finally get better!)
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