one semester smarter.

Dec 15, 2007 17:49

well here i am, done with the first semester of my college experience. its so weird how you spend 4 months in school and you dont remember anything that you actually learned.. you remember the friends you met, the drunk nights you had, the mistakes you made, and the memories you will keep.

i love that ive still managed to stay best friends with britney, and even if we dont talk for a couple weeks.. we always pick up right where we left off. i love that ive kept in touch with melissa even after she got married and moved to alaska.. thats a test of true friendship. i still talk to kylie and jess even though theyre at home. and i still talk to jackie, emily, aniuska, joey, robert j.. etc. even though theyre at different schools. me and crystie are inseparable with erika and brittnai and i love it. i love the boys on 3E and all the boys we met through giuseppe. i love that i met kaitlyn, shannon, kim, & alyssa through classes. and i love that im going to meet so many more new people in my new classes.

so many things i never want to forget from this semester..
-the "middle school dance" halloween party where we got told not to eat all the pokey sticks
-the time crystie walked straight into the cata bus and thought she had mersa & that her skin was burning off
-when matt was chaffing and thought i was "rolling him like a blunt" instead of a "human being"
-the time we had so many people in our room we didnt even know mitch was there
-the boy who was puking up spaghetti-o's and showing us the circles
-falling into the red cedar the same night the thermastat was ripped off the wall
-making crystie sleep in my bed with me & hold my hand the entire night
-brittnai shaking her laffy taffy
-jagerbombs, f'ing skanks, yah this collars popped
-soulja boi.. in so many ways. (open door night, mcdonalds parking lot, youtube-ing the dance..)
-mootiedoo burl-davis & being "squashed"
-"story of my life" --enough said
-ordering jimmy johns because our eyes were "wired open" & there was nothing better to do
-hanstands in the study lounge
-the time my mom gave me $5 to buy a hot dog so i would sober up & hardly being able to wait to get to the party & buy a cup of beer with the money
-getting lost in potterville on the way back from dropping col's friends off from the bar
-pole party
-the fat bitch that sprained crystie's ankle
-jordan being dora the transvestite explorer for halloween.. very disturbing
-the lottery drawing for our future apartment
-branson leading us around campus as a joke on our first night at school
-thinking i was puking when i wasnt
-walking the wrong way down michigan with lauren on the first day of class
-saying "oprah wimp-fee" during my presentation
-the entire UTI experience.. including crying on the cata on my way to olin cuz i had to pee so bad
-sundari rahan (6:30.. why not 5:30?)
-dressing jj up as a girl for halloween
-matt derose & matt james night.. & not letting them into our room
-like, really?
-getting to eat one oreo with peanut butter if i wrote one page of my paper
-the night i got hot sauce in my eye at chipotle & thought i was going blind
-having a shot waiting for crystie the second she walked in the door
-brittnai speaking chinese
-when jason fell asleep on the cata bus & i had to get back on to get him
-rusty looking like chuckie finster
-corey and his million nicknames
-trying to stretch & put my foot on the top step
-the porn tradition (ew)
-"f-in palm tree"
-brittnai wandering to andi's room 
-driving to napolean at 4:30 in the morning & seeing the one "stoplight"
-questioning candice about whether she had ever farted in the room before
-crystie looking very modest in her muu-muu
-the bus driver dressing up as minnie mouse on halloween & handing out candy
-ramp 5..i mean seriously
-our crockpot candle warmer
-drunk dialing my mom & dad three times in one night
-bdubs on thursdays (including the time we saw sarge there the night he told me he wasnt hungry)
-michelle's 21st birthday
-screaming at midnight during finals week
-"lang.. think about what you're doing.. you don't want that!"
-first down bitch & just being "assholed" in general
-nick jumping from the top of the stairs instead of walking down them like the rest of us
-elaine wearing the cleopatra shirt
-being obsessed with the bumper sticker application
-meeting quack at late night & carving his initials in his brownie
-watching our shows (hills & palace place on monday, tila  & life of ryan on tuesday, ANTM, real world & newport harbor on wednesday)
-our pathetic christmas tree with the ornament jordan made us
-febreezing our suitemates room when theyre at class because they smell
-chris literally puking up seaweed at cottage inn
-crystie & i exchanging stories about my aunt mildred & her aunt dolores
-me never getting any letters or packages in the mail (except the time i got written up at work)
-"oh my goshhhhh"
-the man dressed as a banana at the bus stop
-erika's mom's sauce (mama sauce)
-trying to keep secret santa's a ssecret between 4 best friends
-being more worried about my aunt & uncle seeing the clothes on the floor than the fifths & beer cans all over the room
-crystie's media project (that she got a 95% on!)
-waking gabe up every day for class
-zach wearing a belly shirt & then trying to seduce us via AIM?
-getting lost on my way home from evans scholars,.. walking 20 minutes, & somehow being in front of cottage inn again (stupid bike paths)
-thinking we were VIP at DKE & walking straight to the front of the beer line (where i said i was half mexican because i was so tan & my parents met on SB?)
-hearing about how candice "bit it" down the stairs
-smashing pumpkins at 404
-the stupid hot chocolate machine
-fat diane ("if you would just told me i stank, i would have tooken a shower", "im blindddd!", "sweet home alabama")

.. and of course ive made mistakes. i feel like of anyone in the group, i have definitely made the MOST mistakes.. but thats just the 'story of my life' right? and i guess in typical kate fashion, im gunna say "we'll see".. and of course.. "it's whatever"

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