Oct 30, 2006 01:48
i saw my gramparents today for the first time in awhile.
my grampa doesn't look good at all.
he could barely walk and was so skinny he looked anorexic.
he kept gasping for breath, and my mind flew back to the christmas before my uncle died.
he was breathing the exact same way & my sister & me were worried.
five months later, he passed away.
scary.. i hope that's not the case this time.
i think the reason im so weird about relationships is because im looking for the perfect one.
im ready for the guy that thinks the world of me and would do anything to prove it.
it always seems to be the other way around..
im doing all the hard work and getting hurt.
im learning to be patient and wait for the right guy.
when he comes along, its gunna be amazing.
you're so beautiful to me.
it's official for crystie & me.
let the countdown begin.. and it cant come fast enough.