Calling my fellow Doctor Who junkies: Book Help

Mar 08, 2009 21:41

I recently got an Amazon gift card and have decided to purchase a couple (read, hopefully several) more Doctor Who novels, audiobooks, etc.  Currently in my repertoire are the novel "Wooden Heart" (with Ten and Martha) and the audiobook "The Forever Trap" (with Ten and Donna, read by Catherine Tate.)  The problem is I don't know which to buy, and obviously since I only have so much on the gift card I have to spend it wisely.  Here's a few of my options.

Ten and Donna
"The Doctor Trap"
"Shining Darkness"
"Beautiful Chaos"

Ten and Martha
"The Story of Martha"
"Forever Autumn"
"The Pirate Loop"
"Martha in the Mirror"

Ten and Rose
"The Price of Paradise"
"Nightmare of Black Island"

Ten sans companion
"The Eyeless"

Nine and Rose
"Winner Takes All"
"Deviant Strain"

And those are just books.  Audiobooks are more expensive on Amazon, at least the ones I've found, so I guess I'm not even going to deal with them.  Pity, really, but what can you do?  Anyway, on to my dilemma.

I've already got a book with Martha (as I stated above) so I'd really prefer to buy something with Donna and Rose, though if I can manage to get three of them I'd get one with Donna, one with Rose, and then make my third choice based on however much money I have left and which of the cheapies look interesting.  The problem is....almost ALL of them look interesting.

So....from those of you who may have read some of these, which do you think is best?  I can get most of them (though I'd have to check to make sure) fairly cheap in used form, and if you know me you know my books get....well, well-used to say the least, so I really don't mind if I get them second-hand.

Basically I'd like commentary on which you all think would be the best choices.  For instance, which writers are generally better, which plots you liked, who messed up the characters the least, etc.  Heh, you can handle it.  Thanks in advance~!

question, friendses, books, random thoughts, doctor who

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