scifi20in20 round seventeen: Joss Whedon's British characters
Jul 21, 2011 16:41
Because he has some sort of fetish, I swear. ;)
THEMES awesomedreamyhardidentityin action
negative + textrecyclerotatesofttexture
CATEGORY - PRIMARY COLORS one two three four five
ARTIST'S CHOICE one two three four five
EXTRAS one two three four five
Intel: The caps are mine. No brushes were harmed in the making of these icons (with the exception of the texture required to make the "texture" icon). I'd appreciate credit, but I'm not going to flip out about it as long as you don't claim you made it. This is one of my worst sets to date. Whine whine, moan moan, everything was against me, and I had to make all the icons in the last 60 hours or so. Still, I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for looking! :)