Instructions for making a 'fake cut'

Nov 28, 2008 14:06

Okay, so I told onthetardis I would help her with fake cuts, and I figured I would make a post out of it so if anyone else needed help I could just link them to this.  *nod*  Okay.  On to business.  (By the way, I'm poor at explaining things, so if I seem like I'm oversimplifying, I'm sorry.  I don't think you're stupid or anything, I just want to make sure I'm making sense.)

Obviously this is just a link, but some people call them fake cuts, and I'm just silly enough to do it as well.  TO BUSINESS!

Step One.  What do you want as the 'cut text'?  (My example link is gonna be just a link to my main journal page, just for fyi)  Just type it in your post.  For instance, "beautifunlntime's LJ".  Real cuts are bold with parentheses around them, but you don't have to do that, so do it however you prefer.

Step Two.  What are you linking to?  Go to the page you want the 'cut' to point to.  For instance, and copy the address.  Not very pretty, is it?  Never fear, don't paste it into your post yet, it'll look shiny in a second.

Step Three.  Highlight your 'cut text' and click on the hyperlink button on your shiny LJ task bar thing.  It's a little globe with a chain under it (the one to the left, not the right one.  The right one removes links, fyi).  It'll ask you for a web address; input the address you got in step two.

At this point your should be transformed into beautifulntime's LJ.  And yes, if you click on that it should go to my journal.  Simple, eh?

So it looks pretty, but it doesn't actually look like a cut cut.  If you're going to be a purist and have it actually look like a cut, you just need to take an extra step.

Step Four.  Bold your link (just highlight the text and bold it like you would anything else), then put parentheses around the link (and make sure they're bolded as well.  You should end up with this.

Click here to go to beautifulntime's LJ )

Now the only difference between a real cut and this "cut" is that the fake cut is still underlined.  Still, pretty snazzy, isn't it?  :)

A few additional notes.  Once you have your link pasted into/onto your fake!cute text, if you want to change the text, you'll have to go into HTML and fix the text that way, or it may mess up your fake cut.  Repeat, may.  HTML is a harsh mistress.  And if you want to post the link into a comment or anything like that you'll need to switch to HTML and copy the entire code thing in order to get it to work.  Otherwise you just have text, and then people are confuzzled.  Just so's you know.

eljay helps, friendses

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