im seeing this new guy.. my friends all approve of.. they say he'll be good for me.. why not you..?

Apr 24, 2003 03:55

Everyone be prepared! This is going to be very long. I have much to go over!

First I suppose I shall update about Tuesday night, seeing as I haven't yet and it was a great night..

Tuesday, April 22nd--
Well, I woke up sorta late. I talked to Anthony and he asked to hang out. So I got in the shower quickly, cleaned my room up a little, and then called Anthony. He came over, and we just talked and stuff. He's such a wonderful person. Then we went to get my certificate from Drivers Training so I can get my permit, but those jerks were closed. How do they ever expect me to get my permit if they are never open? Gosh. Well, then we went back to my house. We just laid and talked more, and watched something. I can't really remember what it was though. Let me tell you though, I had a good time :) Well then we went to Kmart and got sherbert icecream because he's a wonderful guy and knows that I love it. :) I saw Mike B. and talked to him for a little bit. He's a nice kid. Melissa and I are supposed to hang out with him.. jeez I can't remember what day now. Oh well-- anyway, Anthony bought me icecream and was being a bully and wouldn't let me pay for it, lol. Well, then we went to Becca's but didn't go to the door because I was scared. Then we went to the new park, Memorial Park or whatever its name is, by the Jr. High, and played there in the dark :) We drove on illegal driveways lol. Well, it was alot of fun. Very romantic :-D Heh.. We went back to my house, and ate the icecream and made soup :) Then Vincent and Shaun Machalalkakalkalaakla came over. Vince talked about peeps for 10 minutes straight I belive it was. Then we went to Kelco's house and scared them because they were in the camper. Harhahrahrhar. Melissa Ash and Brandy were there. So we talked to them for a bit, then ANthony and I left. We just parked and talked for a little while. Then we went back to my house, and he left around 12ish? Hope he wasn't late. :\

Wednesday, April 23--
SO I woke up, had a bad morning kind of because my computer died. But I got it to work again but all my pictures and everything was deleted. GAY! GAY I TELL YOU! So i took a long bath and read a magazine and "chilled out." Then Mylissa called a million times while I was in there, and I called her hot ass back, and she said she was coming over. So she came over, and i got ready and stuff. Then lovely Amanda came over :) I'm glad she came over, I haven't seen her in a while. Then wonderful Anthony came over. We played outside on the trampoline and he broke my left leg. =\ Well it hurt really bad, close enough. I made skinniful/beautiful Manda pretzels and pepsi lol. Then Kev Jerron and Shawn asked if we wanted to go to the movies with them so we decided YES to go lol. So we went there, and as we were driving down gratiot, (while i was holding his hand YEAH MELISSA BE JEALOUS LOL), we saw that Jerron got pulled over. LMAO! He got a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt! Ah!! Click it or ticket! Heh. Well then we went to the mall, and played around for a while. We got kicked out because Anthonys crazy ass sat on the Easter bunny chair, and this overweight security guard started running(slow as hell cuz hes fat) towards us. LMAO We were just walked regular pace, and it took him a good 5 minutes to come up to us. Anthony kind of, well actually completely made him sound stuuupid lol. It was funny. It was a big 10-4!!!10-4 totally!So we told Jerron Kev and Shawnwick the bad news, and we left lol. I think they saw the movie though. So we went and rented Sweet Home Alabamamaammamama. Then we came here and kind of watched it lol. We ate sherbert icecream and had a great time :) ANthonys wonderful, Melissas great, and Mandas awesome :) SO yeh I had a totally sweet night :-D WELL then we left to drive them home. Anthony let me drive :-D I did okay lol. I was having fun and going fast though b/c im used to going slow and driving correct with the drivers ed teachers. So yeh, we drove lovely Amanda home, then we drove Pilotto home. Then me and Ant just drove around a little and stopped a little. :-D harhahrahharhahr good times ;) Then he dropped me off home, and here I am. :-D Beautiful Times with Wonderful Friends.. <333

SEAFOOD!!LMAO.. woo baby. mucho laughs

shes his yellow brick road
leading him on
and letting him go
as far as she lets him go
going down to no where


WELL.. for everybody asking me everyday.. this is anthony..

Thats my wonderful Anthony. YES-- be jealous.. hes everything a girl could want plus much more.. And he's all mine :-D

maybe thats its for the night. i dont want this to be thaaaat long. lol well it already is so oh well. heres more :)

well.. tomorrow is thursday-- and me and Melissa are supposed to hang out with Mike Britton. but Greg asked me to hang out. so i dont know now-- ehhh... =|


Gimee Treefiddy :

Gimee Treefiddy : look how different we look
Gimee Treefiddy : ahh
Natalia0221: praise the Lord we look different


wild ass ant : nobodys ever getting my heart again.. single for life :-) ( from my profile from earlier)
wild ass ant : im working on it babe
Natalia0221 : well i mean... we're having fun
wild ass ant : thats all it is?
Natalia0221 : well i don't know if it can go any further
wild ass ant : why is that?
Natalia0221: well after everything lately i don't really think that i can do that anymore
wild ass ant : ever?
Natalia0221 : well its just.. i dunno im just scared
wild ass ant : i understand completely
wild ass ant : i just hope that we arent just gonna have fun
Natalia0221 : well what do you want to happen ant
wild ass ant: um.. i dunno
Natalia0221 : well..
wild ass ant: i am "having fun" but to me it geels
wild ass ant : feels*..
wild ass ant (4:42:57 PM): i dunno
wild ass ant (4:43:07 PM): i cant make you do anything you dont want
Natalia0221 : ...?
wild ass ant : so.. :-\
Natalia0221 : well anthony ray
Natalia0221 : i like you
Natalia0221 : and i have fun with you
wild ass ant : yeh..
Natalia0221 : i'm just scared of anything more than that..
wild ass ant : im not asking you to wake up like tomorrow morning and love me
Natalia0221 : i know anthony
Natalia0221 : i do love you ant your hard to not love lol
Natalia0221 : your a wonderful friend

wild ass ant : you are so beautiful


SmokeyJonesx2 : sorry natalie...........for not letting anyone win your heart ever again i guess i showed you love is bad?
Natalia0221 : that you did.
SmokeyJonesx2 : well i don't think it was horrible
SmokeyJonesx2: we had lots of fun times
Natalia0221 : + lots of bad times
SmokeyJonesx2: it just got real bad tords the end and when we broke up i acted like such ajerk
SmokeyJonesx2 : yeah i know im sorry for that
SmokeyJonesx2 : well im glad i fell in love with you
SmokeyJonesx2 : im just fel realy bad i treated you like shit
SmokeyJonesx2 : when you didn't deserve it
SmokeyJonesx2 : thats something i think about a lot
SmokeyJonesx2 : and i just wish i could amke it up to you
Natalia0221 : theres no way to make it up mike
SmokeyJonesx2 : theres is but i shouldn't have to make anything up if i didn't act ho i did
Natalia0221 : yea exactly
SmokeyJonesx2 : i have problems
Natalia0221 : everybody has problems
SmokeyJonesx2 : but i have BIG problems
Natalia0221 : like what
SmokeyJonesx2 : like im slow
Natalia0221 : yeah
Natalia0221 : you are
SmokeyJonesx2 : and im miserable
SmokeyJonesx2 : sensitive
Natalia0221 : you brought it on yourself
SmokeyJonesx2 : i know
SmokeyJonesx2 : but
SmokeyJonesx2 : it kills
SmokeyJonesx2 : your a wonderful person
SmokeyJonesx2 : i just upset i reuined your life kinda
SmokeyJonesx2 : or put a hole in your heart
Natalia0221 : im upset let you ruin my life
SmokeyJonesx2: i put one in my own hear too
Natalia0221 : i should have realized not to trust anyone after jeff
Natalia0221 : but noooooo
Natalia0221 : so im fine now
Natalia0221: i just wont let it happen agin
SmokeyJonesx2 : .........
SmokeyJonesx2 : im sorry natalie
Natalia0221 : kay
SmokeyJonesx2 : god
Natalia0221 : sorrys dont matter anymore mike im fine
SmokeyJonesx2: i have had this feling all break now andsense we broke up
Natalia0221 : ok
SmokeyJonesx2 : i know to you it doesn't but you don't know how really sorry i am
Natalia0221: alright
Natalia0221: i understand it your sorry
SmokeyJonesx2 : i reuined a sweet beautiful girls love life
SmokeyJonesx2 : and she can never trust anyone to lvoe again
SmokeyJonesx2 : and that kills me that i did that
SmokeyJonesx2 : i have that feeling like my stomach is empty abnd it makes me sick to my stomach
SmokeyJonesx2 : that stomach feeling lol
Natalia0221 : well go eat
SmokeyJonesx2 : lol but im not hungry
SmokeyJonesx2 : it that sad feeling
Natalia0221 : well go throw up
SmokeyJonesx2 : i had 5 bowls of heny nut chex
Natalia0221 : yum
SmokeyJonesx2 : not that feeling either i feeling of idk i can't explain o feeling of pain and sorryness
Natalia0221 : well dont
Natalia0221 : im fine
SmokeyJonesx2 : i had lucky charms the other day i thought maybe if i jsut had a bowl full of hearts i could fix the chunk thats been taken out of mine becuz of what i did
SmokeyJonesx2 : well i do natalie
SmokeyJonesx2 : but the hearts didn't work
Natalia0221 : lol that was a good one mike
SmokeyJonesx2 : and i got a baggie full of jsut marshmellows fo you if you wan them
SmokeyJonesx2 : i mseriosu natalei i tryed it lol
Natalia0221: lol
Natalia0221 : you didnt honestly think it would work did you
SmokeyJonesx2 : no joke
SmokeyJonesx2: lol i thouht it would help
SmokeyJonesx2 : or make me feel better
SmokeyJonesx2 : but it didn't becuz they were not real
Natalia0221 : mike
Natalia0221 : there marshmellows
SmokeyJonesx2 : and no im not going to eat a bowl of real hearts
SmokeyJonesx2 : lol i know
SmokeyJonesx2 : im weird liek that tho
Natalia0221 : i guess so
SmokeyJonesx2 : it didn't say anything on the box under the ingredients saying "her love"
Natalia0221 : lol
SmokeyJonesx2 : thats why it didn't work
SmokeyJonesx2 : i mean their lucky
SmokeyJonesx2 : and their charms
Natalia0221: lmao!


Big HOT PIMP 316: u should hear that kid
Big HOT PIMP 316: he aint the same as he used to be when we used to better friends
Natalia0221: what do you mean.. what should i hear
Big HOT PIMP 316: well u shouldnt becuz u siad u dont ever want to be with him agian
Big HOT PIMP 316: but to some everything he had to say in one word it would be love
Natalia0221: i know he's probably hurt right now because of the situation-- but all he was doing to me for the last month was hurting me and i just cant take that anymore
Big HOT PIMP 316: how did he do that he didnt really tell me
Natalia0221: ask him..
Big HOT PIMP 316: just tell me
Natalia0221: theres so much to tell it'd take too long
Big HOT PIMP 316 : well i dont think he wants friendship from u he wants wut u had before
Big HOT PIMP 316: hes scared for life
Big HOT PIMP 316: he was telling me al the times u had together
Natalia0221: ..:-\
Natalia0221: i thought he would be talking mad crap about me
Big HOT PIMP 316: no
Big HOT PIMP 316: i almost left
Big HOT PIMP 316: cuz he wouldnt stop talking about u

And I had a bunch of funny as hell convos with Steve and Shawn. But I deleted them. Oops :-D
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