First grade teacher's name: Mrs.Hubbard
Last word you said: "Nothing"
Last song you sang: "Krusty Kraaaaayyaaaaaab kraaayyyaaab piiiizaaa" me and Molly were trying to do the weird manly voice spongebob gets into towards the end.
Last song stuck in your head: Well that one since I now just thought of it.
What's in your CD player: I only listen to tunes on my Dell DJ or the computer.
What color socks are you wearing: None
What's under your bed: Papers, art supplies, boxes
What's the weather like: NOT SO FLIPPIN HOT!
What time did you wake up today: 11am
Who do you want to marry: Whoever I'm supposed to
Are you going to go to college: welll technically I am right now, but yes I do.
Where do you want to go: Somewhere either close or in CA
What is your career going to be: Professional photographer or fashion designer
Where are you going to live: who knows.
How many kids do you want: 2
Kids' names: Aiden for sure....
Where do you want your honeymoon: Somewhere completely magical
What kind of car will you have: An old vintage hotrod
who is your best friend? I don't think I really have one right now.
who do you like? like like? no one.
who is your mom? Melissa, she is way cool, yo
who owns your house? My daddio
who bought you the clothes your wearing? me
who is at your house? my mom and lil sis
who loves you? OH people, I'm sure.
who said hey to you today? My Nana and Papa and Cierra
who are you talking to right now? nooobody
what town do you live in? U.P
what are your pet peeves? People who get in my "bubble," chew with their mouth open, always have to talk loud
what are you wearing? grey sweats and a spongebob shirt
what do your teeth look like? Mmm, they're clean, mostly white, and someone once told me that I look like a vampire because my canines stick out more then the rest...yeah..I'm gonna have to get braces..and a whole bunch of other shiate done.
what are you doing in an hour? sleeping
what is your middle name? Suzanne
what is your deepest secret? Secrets aren't meant to be told
what are you doing tomorrow? going to school, church, doctors.
what is in this for you? nothing
what is your favorite thing to do? Be creative/think
what are you sitting on? an uncomfortable chair
where are you at right now? my room
where were you at at 12 noon today? in bed watching tv :)
where is your toothbrush at? on my bathroom counter
where do you sleep? in my bed, nukka
where do you live? in Beckonridge, in UP, in Washington, in the United States, in the world.
where were you at at 7pm yesterday? downstairs watching Dave Cheppelle with JR while eating Panda Express.
where are your parents? My mom is sleeping in the house, my dad is in Seattle probably sleeping as well.
where did you put your bookbag? in my closet
where do you keep your socks? in my closet on a shelf
when are you getting a job? soon I hope
when did you graduate? DO-2006
when will you grow up? When I feel like it
when are you going to call your friend? I am rarely one to call.
when did you get home last night? The only place I went yesterday was out to get food and icecream, so like 6:30 or so.
how do you fix your hair? Shower, part it to the side, run my fingers through it...and presto.
how are the kids? unborn and flying around somewhere in Yet-to-be-Born-Babyland.
how many hours do you spend on the computer? too many
how many TV shows do you watch? 3-4
how do you like this quiz so far? eh
how many people are living with you? 2
how do you make sharpies? squeeze little octopuses into smooshy like material then into pen casing.
how many sharpies do you own? 2-3
how often do you say i love you? rarely.