Mar 24, 2005 00:08
I am so freaking sick of satan....I don't freaking understand why all my friends keep falling into the perverbial "peerpressure". It's so not freaking worth it I mean common....what the crap? Drinking gives you a freaking head ache and makes you puke for two days which by the way is so not attractive... Drugs make you act like a complete moron....and if you had fun youd never know becuase you would never freaking be able to remember it! And what the crap...keep your freaking legs shut....its not that hard I have done it for 19 friggin years! It's not worth it....a one night stand takes away something you can never get back...sure you have "second virginity" but still....thats a gift you can never give your husband..... It's friggin okay to be innocent and niave ...cherrish it some people can NEVER have that....really this freaking deal with the world is out of freaking's hard people....but your not freaking alone....everyone wants to be a part of it occasionally....but no matter how much you try to justify it it's wrong no matter the context or the will eventually ruin your just stop....stop....
the freaking lies that your letting satan tell you just ruin what you have....or who you could become....stop matter what he says....its not worth it....
Satan Im so friggin tired of you...get behind me becuase I have been washed by the blood of the lamb......stop....this is one battle you can never matter what you just make me want to try harder to keep from stop friggin fighting a battle you can never have victory in...
and freaking leave my friends alone....I won't let you have them....stop trying....God will allways be more powerful than you....whats the matter haven't you figured it out matter how hard you loose....
Christ.....If I burn.....I burn for you....because for me to live is Christ.....and dying....would be profit...
Im so sick of what satan is doing....if we would just stop being so complacent.....we act like Christ word takes so much effort....I mean why wouldn't we wanna fight a battle we know weve already won.....someone give an answer to that....
why do we make it so hard....if we would just do our job...stop living in the world....coud you even beigin to imagine the things we could do......the things we could prevent...
theres no point in a should be so obvious....
ehhh Im so sick of this should be too